A lost piece

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                                      Hi guys! I'm back from my little vacation, I enjoyed it quite
                alot if anyonewas wondering! I went to a gem place, and saw lots of diffrent gems it was so                         
             pretty.  I will be posting the chapters I've written throughout the week to give me a small break.

                                       I hope you guys enjoy this. I thank you all for the reads I love you all so    
                          much, thank you all for the positive comments, thank you guys for everything


For second, Peridot didn't know what she was doing. Her answer was quick, in a voice tired and bitter. She took a look back down at her body then looked back up at her friends. Steven reached out to her and hugged her, Lapis was quick to hug her aswell followed by the others.

Then, for just a moment she was plunged in darkness with a deafening silence and a deadly cold stabbing through the chest. Ahead of her was a green body, curled up surronded by the darkness, she reached her hand out only for her to see the figure disappear. This made her physically shiver and shoot back to where she really was. Being hugged, there was laughter fixing her ringing ears and the warm embrace soon calmed her worries.

Soon enough they let go. "Lets go heal Bismuth!" Steven cried, looking back at everyone before running outside. Everybody left just like that, leaving a startled Peridot. She pushed upwards on her legs, attempting to stand on her two legs like many pictures depicted instead she fell forward onto her face with a huff.

Peridot reached forward with her front legs and pulled back her back legs to walk on all fours again, her head hurt to do this slightly but she pulled through. Peridot pushed into the door, slowly making it open and stared down the balcony. She looked down at the gems, they were crouded around a much smaller Bismuth, on the two legs. She seemed diffrent then the one Peridot remembered, she was more human like.

She ducked back, watching cautiously. Then Bismuth looked up, and around before spotting her. "Peridot!" She ran up the stairs to her. Startled, Peridot tried to stand only to fall backwards as Bismuth tried to hug her.

Busmuth's smile faltered. "Peridot?"

Peridot looked at her with uncertainty, the others gems came up behind her their eyes questioning. "Are you back?" Lapis asked, leaning forward to be at Bismuth's side. When she didn't reply, Bismuth took a step back. Her hand covering her mouth in a moment of thinking, her eyes darting away.

Lapis stepped forward and crouched in front of her. "How about we go inside? It's getting dark." She lent out a hand to her, with a kind smile. Peridot took the hand and was pulled up. She lead her inside and sat down on the floor again. Everyone was deathly silent.

Adding to Peridot's uncertainty. Why am I like this now? Why is Bismuth diffrent? Why does she seem to distant to me all of a sudden? What's going on.

I fell back, laying on the floor facing upawards as I looked at the roof. She could feel their gazes fixed on her and she closed her eyes. Thoughts overwhelmed her as it faded to black.

Next thing she knew she jerked away, the darkness around her fading away as quickly as her eyes flew open. It was alot lighter then it was went she had layed on the floor, what happened? She looked around, sitting up.

Her gaze drifted around the sunny room, towards Lapis who was sitting with Garnet and Connie.

She looked down at her hands, they weren't her's. Atleast not the ones she remembered. Peridot stuggled to her feet, wobbling before flinging out her arms to gain balance. Phew.

Peridot took a careful step foward, wobbling on it.

"Hey Peridot. Oh, your standing, do you need some help?" It was Steven, he held his hand out. Instantly, I fell fowards towards him. He caught be in his arms and helped me stand again. He pushed mak my legs with his feet. "Like this." He took a step back, pulling her hands back.

Peridot looked down at her feet, copying how he walked. It felt wrong, not right. Then he let go.

I felt myself falling again and put a foot forward, stopping herself from falling. She looked up at Steven, he smiled nevously and looked back down at her feet again, willing her to take another step.

Peridot took another step, this time alittle less wobbly. Then she smiled, proud of herself as she watched her feet move her body so she could walk like this.

"Good job, Peridot!" Garnet called across the house. "Yeah!" Steven smiled before walking over, Peridot slowly trailing behind him. "Where are the others?" He asked. Garnet paused for a moment. "They went to talk with Bismuth." She replied. Steven's face  morphed into somewhat of a pityful look. "How is she?" He asked.

"We're not sure, she has been almost silent all night." Lapis told him, rubbiing her arm as she looked over at Peridot. "Why didn't it work for her?" She asked. They all went silent for a momment. "I'm not sure." Steven answered.

"How are you Peridot?" Garnet asked, a smile on her face. Peridot gave her a long look before falling back to sit down. "Are you doing well?" She asked. Peridot gave a slight not, unsure on how to answer. Garnet gave her head a pat. "Why don't you come with us, Peridot? We're going to where the barn used to be."

Peridot blinked. This was a chance to get away from her thoughts, of course she woukd come. She would love to go somewhere else, she did not have any idea where this place that used to have a barn was or it's significants but it didn't matter to her now. She gave a nod and as they got up to leave, Peridot had waddled through the door frame that had recently lost it's door to her.

Garnet led the way with Lapis by her side, Connie and Steven hung just behind her and Peridot ran on all fours ahead of them. "You should really stop running like that, Peridot. You'll hurt your back." She heard Connie call after her.

Peridot stopped and looked back at her, confused before standing up and walking shakily the rest of the way. Then she recognized it, it was the open country side with the fields of corn. The place she and Bismuth had been found. She moved more slowly towards the edge of a giant hole in the ground, a few things were scattered under it.

Peridot dove forward into the hole, spotting something. It looked like a small silver box. It had three bottons on it, one was red the others were black. Peridot picked it up cautiously, she stared at it for a few momments. Lost in thoughts so lost they came back in flashes.

Peridot turned and came up the hill with this device and held it out to Steven. His eyes widen and he smiled. "Oh! It's your old tape recorder." He said happily. "But it's broken so it won't work."

Peridot looked down at it, cupping it in her hands.

"Oh, wait. Is the tape in there? We could play you what you recorded before." Steven asked. Peridot's head shot up, her eyes intent on Steven for a momment before pulling out the tape and showing him. "That's it!" He grabbed it of me and eyed it. "Lapis! Connie! Garnet! Look what Peridot found!" He called to the other gems who were looking around.

They came over. "The tape recorder?" Lapis asked, her eyes sad for a few momments. "We can play it on my computer if we set it up." Connie said quickly. "Let's head back then." Garnet said.

As they began to walk back, Peridot looked down at the tape in her hands. Her eyes fixated on it through the viser on her face.

What could you hold?

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