John x Stalker!reader P2

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Hey hoes//

   Johns horse huffed as he made it run to Saint Denis. The fact this stranger thought she could get away with stalking, and not see a consequence blew his mind. She knew information that if the wrong person knew could get the gang killed. As John began to go across the bridge to Saint Denis he slowed his horse, wanting to not look suspicious in such a guarded and powerful town. As his horses hooves echoed through the streets he was rereading a page in the journal.

Looking for an address or something. Among the several neatly written words at the beginning of the journal he noticed a hidden pocket inside the cover. Inside the pocket was a picture of a child standing in front of a window that faces towards the bank. Shrugging, John began to head towards the bank. Once reaching the small bit well guarded building he looked across to see a red apartment building. He examined the building from afar before noticing an open window a little bit up.

   Squinting, he could make out a figure in the window that looks similar to the woman from before. He put two and two together and realized the journal was from the woman he helped. John groaned at his own oblivious mind and made his way to the building. 3 flights of stairs later he stood in front of a dark brown door. He had already went to each other door to never find the woman.

He knocked on the door, hoping for it to be the right one as the noise echoed through the empty hall. The woman he was looking for opened the door, and being reminded of his rage and need for answers he pulled his gun and aimed at the woman. Making her back into her home before he closed to door to not alarm any  witnesses.

"Long time no see huh?" Y/N said nervously.

"Explain this!" John threw the book on the floor.

She looked at it before slowly crouching to grab it. She opened it, remembering what it was as a nervous sweat dropped. She let out an awkward and nervous laugh.

"Let's not get out of hand now. How about we sit and talk about it yeah?"

"I'm not talkin' bout shit! Get outside you're coming with me!" John moved to stand behind her, the gun to her back.

Tears swelled in her eyes yet she complied, walking down the steps with the man behind her. Standing in front of the building John called for his horse, who came trotting to him. He put away his gun and grabbed her arm, forcefully making her get onto the horse. John quickly made his way towards camp, giving him time to calm himself. He realized taking her to camp could get her killed or get him in trouble.

Making a last minute decision not to go, he turned and stopped in a forest clearing. He got off his horse who went to grazing, making Y/N also get off.

"Now, explain why you had me all wrote up in that journal of yours." He scowled.

   Y/N's hands began to get clammy and her face got a little red as she was now being out on the spot. She did t know how to describe it to him but continued to try and do so anyways.

"When I met you after my horse died, I felt like it was some sort of sign. Bad happened and was replaced by a good. I'm not saying soulmates or nothin' , but definitely something."

   The taller man raised a brow at her words. "You're talking like an old crow. Are you trying to say you think some god or somethin' made me help you cause your horse died? Are you crazy?"

Y/N shook her head at him. John sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Listen here, I'll let you go back home on your own, don't follow me. And I'm keeping your journal."

//srry for the cliffhanger again this has been a draft for a sold couple of months and I wanted to finish it.//

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