Chapter two

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Blaine was really motivated today, he will choose his song for the glee club audition and it was also his first football practice today, he couldn't wait to know the other guys in the football team though he already knew Finn, Puck, Mike and of course Sam. He has known him for just one day but after school they texted each other all afternoon.  Sam did great impressions, he's sent some voice messages and Blaine had to admitted his Matthew McConaughey impression was amazing. 

He didn't have History today which means he wouldn't see Kurt. Blaine knows Kurt doesn't want to be friends with him -he made it pretty clear-  but he couldn't stop thinking about him. When he came to McKinley he wasn't expecting falling for anyone but, out of all people, falling for the one guy who didn't want to even talk to him was really messed up and Blaine was sure Kurt would be straight.

"Hey Blaine!" Rachel screamed when she saw Blaine at the parking lot. She was with Finn who also said "hello", they were dating for a long time now, Blaine doesn't really know but they looked cute together. 

"Hi Rachel, hi Finn" he joined them as they walked into the building "I'm so excited about football practice today" Blaine told Finn.

"That's cool, some of the guys in the team are assholes though" Finn said without thinking too much in his words.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked confused.

"The ones who aren't in glee glub are just..."Finn stopped as if he was looking for the correct word "very disrespectful towards people they think are different"

"Karofsky is the worst of them all, he's homophobic" Rachel finshed "and since you are gay I thought you should know"

"How- how do you know?" he muttered. He kinda panicked, he didn't think of hiding it but it was just his third day at the new school, he didn't know how were the people there.

"My dads are gay, I guess I have a great gaydar" Rachel answered "don't worry, in glee club no one judges you" she had a big smile in her face, and Blaine felt some kind of relief though he wasn't that excited about practice now.

The bell rang meaning they had to go to class, Rachel and Finn kissed and they left Blaine to go to their class and Blaine went to the restroom. 

He washed his face and when he was finally leaving to get to class he heard a noise coming from one of  the cabins "is someone there?" he asked, he thought he was alone but it seems like he wasn't.

The restroom remained in silence. A few seconds later someone was opening the door and Blaine could finally see who was there "Kurt? Are you crying?" he asked the boy as he was going to the sink.

He washed his face "No, I'm fine" he muttered, Kurt realized he didn't sound very convincing "I'm serious, I am okay" he said this time to try to convince Blaine, who was looking at him with doubt.

"Really? Because as far as I'm concerned, if you are crying in the restroom between classes you are not okay" Blaine told Kurt truly worried about him "so are you gonna tell me or you'll keep pretending nothing happened?"

"It was..." Kurt wasn't sure if he should tell Blaine "it was Karosfky, one of the jocks he's been teasing on me for a long time" he finally said "but there's nothing I can't handle so don't worry. Oh and don't tell anyone about this"

He was leaving the restroom when Blaine talked "why is Karofsky teasing on you? Is it because-because you're gay?" he asked shyly, he would have never thought Kurt could be gay but after what Rachel and Finn had told him before, that might be the reason.

"What? Why do you thin I'm gay?" he said, he tried to seem calm but inside he was panicking. What if he's gay? What if Karofsky has been bullying him because of that? But how can Karofsky know when Kurt himself is not even sure?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" Blaine ran out of the restroom and went to his class. He was late, really late. Luckily he had Spanish class with Mr. Schue and he probably won't tell him anything.

He entered in class and sat in his spot. He kept thinking about Kurt and Karofsky. Karofsky is a bully, he doesn't have a reason to bully people, maybe it has nothing to do with Kurt's sexuality but with the bad person he is. And Blaine doesn't even know him yet. 


After class, Blaine went to the changing room to get ready for practice, there were Sam, Puck, Mike and Finn and some other boys he didn't know.

"You okay buddy?" Finn asked, Blaine was looking to everyone to see if he could try to guess who was Karofsky.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"Blaine wasn't looking at Finn, he was still trying to find out who is Karofsky.

"That one over there" Sam said knowing what Blaine was looking for "Finn told us earlier today" he finished when he saw Blaine's confusion face.

"Yes, sorry but I thought the more friends you have here the better" Finn apologized.

"Has he already done something to you?" Mike wondered.

"Yeah, you're looking at him with an angry face" Puck end saying.

"No, he's done nothing to me. But he did something to Kurt, I don't know what" everyone stared at him confused "I saw him in the restroom, he was crying and I asked him what happened. Don't look at me as if I've talked to a rock" 

"It's not that, it's that Kurt barely talks to anyone, and much less to talk about his problems" Finn cleared him.

"Can I ask why do you know him that much? I mean, you said he doesn't talk to anyone" Blaine asked, that was weird he thought.

"He's my stepbrother. My mom and his dad got married last year. We don't live together though, Kurt doesn't like the idea and he preferred to live alone in his old house. I barely see him and we don't talk" Finn explained, they were already walking to the field.

"Come on! Start running, you are not cows!" Coach Beiste yelled at them. Blaine and Finn started running and they let the conversation hanged over.

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