Chapter seven

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Everyone left the auditorium, so Blaine standing alone in the stage. Then he realized he wasn't alone. Kurt was still there.

"The song was really beautiful" Kurt admitted.

"You liked it?" Blaine asked, he really wanted to know his opinion.

"Yeah! You're really talented" Kurt smiled "was it for someone in particular?"

"Not really" Blaine lied, but he knew by Kurt's eyes they both knew who it was for.

There was an awkward silence. Kurt was just looking at the floor but Blaine was staring at him, and in the exact moment he knew. He knew Rachel and Sam were right. He knew he was falling in love with Kurt. This thought made him blush but Kurt didn't see it. A few seconds later Kurt looked up and Blaine forced himself to push it away.

"Do you want to come over to my place?" Kurt suddenly asked. Blaine was not expecting that question, at all.

"Uhm sure!" he answered.

Kurt drove while Blaine was thinking about why Kurt would want to invite him to his house. He knows how much of a private person Kurt is.

When they finally arrived Kurt unlocked the door and they both came in. It was a really nice house. Although Blaine had never seen Kurt's fashion style he knew he likes fashion and everyone could clearly see that just by looking at the decorations.

"I thought maybe we could watch a movie" Kurt suggested.

"It sounds fun, I'd love it!" Blaine agreed.

"I'll let you pick the movie while I go to pick some popcorn, my DVDs are over there" he pointed to a shelf and left the room to go to the kitchen.

The notebook, Mamma Mia and... Moulin Rouge. Blaine already knew which one will he pick.

Kurt came back in with a bowl of popcorn and he was smiling so much "so, what movie have you chosen?" Kurt asked as he sat in the couch next to Blaine.

"Moulin rouge, I hope it's okay" Blaine said with a cute half smile in his face.

"It's perfect" Kurt answered and the movie started.

They stayed in silence until Come what may started, they couldn't help it but sing their hearts out. They stood up and looking face to face to each other the repeated the lyrics. Blaine was staring at Kurt's eyes, and so was Kurt.

After the song finished the sat down again and continued watching it as they were doing before but now they were looking at each other when the other one wasn't paying attention.

"That duet we just improvised was amazing" Blaine said when the movie finished.

"Yeah, I can't help it but sing when that song starts" Kurt admitted.

"Me neither" they were laughing and having so much fun together that they didn't listen to the front door opening.

"Kurt? Kurt are you home?" someone said. Kurt immediately jumped up from the couch to see who was it while Blaine waited for him there.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Kurt asked confused as he wasn't expecting to see him.

"I thought I could go visiting my son" he said, he seemed like a serious guy "Is it a bad time? Are you busy?" He asked.

"No, it's just- I invited a friend and I didn't know you were coming" Kurt explained.

"Oh, a friend" he said surprised "Then I think I'm gonna leave"

"Kurt, is everything okay?" Blaine said walking to Kurt, he suddenly stopped when he saw Kurt's dad.

"Yeah, it's just my dad. Dad this is Blaine" Kurt introduce Blaine.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Hummel" Blaine was really nervous because he was feeling Kurt's dad was just judging and analyzing him.

"Nice to meet you too" they shook hands and Burt turn around and left.

That was definitely awkward – Blaine thought. And judging by Kurt's face, he thought the same.

"It's getting late, I think I should be going home" Blaine said once they were alone again,

"Yeah I guess" Kurt said sad that Blaine had to leave "See you tomorrow at school!"

"Bye Kurt. I had fun today with you" he smiled to Kurt and walked home because he remembered they took Kurt's car. He didn't mind walking though. He could clear his mind.

He finally accepted the fact that he was falling in love with Kurt, really deeply. He loved the way Kurt laughed, the way Kurt talked, the way Kurt looked and he couldn't help it but falling more in love with him every day.


The next day he didn't see Kurt, they didn't have any class together and he wasn't where he usually sat a lunchtime. He spent all day with Sam. They were getting pretty close and Sam really trusted Blaine. Sam told him about his summer with Mercedes and about the time when he dated Quinn.

Now they were sitting all together in the choir room.

"Please welcome Blaine to his first official Glee club meeting!" Mr. Schue announced.

Blaine was already sitting in the back row next to Sam and Tina and they both clapped and smiled to him when Mr. Schue said his name.

"Hey Blaine, wait!" Finn shouted in the corridor when Blaine was walking to his locker after Glee club.

"Uhm hey" Blaine said.

"I just wanted to ask you something, if it's okay with you"

"Yeah sure, what is it?" Blaine shrugged.

"What's going on between Kurt and you?" Finn asked " I mean, Burt said yesterday you were with Kurt when he went visiting Kurt and I don't know, I was just wondering..."

"We are just friends. He invited me after my audition and we went to his house" Blaine explained "We just watched a movie."

"Oh okay, I'm sorry I asked, I know it's none of my business. It's just that I'm happy Kurt is opening himself up to you. I know we're not really close but after all Kurt's still my stepbrother" Finn finished, he was smiling and he really seemed to care about Kurt.

"Yeah I get it, I don't mind you asked" Blaine responded.

Then they walked together to the parking lot, Rachel was there waiting for Finn and when he saw her he left Blaine.

He was almost where his car was when he saw someone standing next to it. He knew who he was, but he wasn't really happy to see him.

"Hi Blaine" the man said.

"Hi dad" Blaine greeted back.

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