Chapter 22: The Chamber of Secret

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Few weeks passed Tom tried his best to forget that day with Hermione and avert himself on his mission.

He can't let her get inside his head.

He will become an immortal.

He was behind her and he will not let that happen.

Like a paper that turned into ashes Tom forget everything, he experienced with her in the park.

Tom was walking in the hallway that night and made sure no one is around before he enters the girl's bathroom.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Riddle became obsessed with his heritage and began researching it with an insatiable hunger.

He focused solely on the identity of his father, thinking him to be the magical parent, as he felt his mother could not have been a witch if she had died.

He searched for his father's name in the school trophy room, in the records of Hogwarts prefects, and in records of wizarding history, but found nothing to suggest his father had even attended Hogwarts.

He was eventually forced to accept that his father was the Muggle parent and that his mother was the magical one.

Using his middle name, Marvolo, which was taken from his maternal grandfather, Riddle discovered his mother's heritage and the Gaunts' bloodline connection with Salazar Slytherin.

Once Riddle learned of his ancestry, it was not long before he discovered the existence of the Chamber of Secret under Hogwarts, during his fifth year, and tamed the Basilisk which dwelt within.

As the Heir of Slytherin through his mother's family, Tom was able to open the Chamber Slytherin had left behind in order to "purge the school of all those who [were] unworthy to study magic" — in Riddle's and Slytherin eyes, Muggle-born.

"Kill all the mudblood you see my Basilisk", he said and the giant snake starts to crawls.

Deep in his mind, there was something that stopping him from releasing his Basilisk.

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