Part 1

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The wind buffeted the trees around your house. You, a 5 year old, didn't understand what was going on but you were scared. Suddenly thunder crashed and the ceiling came falling on you. You mother and your father threw themselves on you to protect you their spines crushed under all the weight. Your mother pushed you somewhere safe and tears were rolling down her cheeks.

    More cracks appeared and the whole house came tumbling down onto them. They were completely crushed and blood splattered the floor. You were safe under a huge caoba wood table. You cried until some people in weird yellow jackets and red helmets got you out. "Where are your Momma and Papa?" They asked. You pointed to the place from where they had moved you to keep you safe. They looked at each other. Then they took to a place with many more kids that you had ever seen. You at the time didn't know that it was a foster home.
                     ~ 15 Years Later ~
"Wake up Y/N!" Screeched the annoyed voice of your Mother. "Yes Mother!" You responded politely. You had moved to a new family a few years ago. You took a light blue and white striped long sleeve crop top and a black skirt. Putting socks and your worn red Converse.

You walked down the stair case and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You cooked eggs and bacon. "Hurry girl. Your brother is hungry." Your father said not bothering to look up from his newspaper. "Yes Father." You said. You set the table and served the food. "Пожалуйста, извините, что я так долго." You apologized. "Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь едой." You said bowing slightly then heading to cook your own breakfast. "BLEAGH!" Your brother spat. "This. Is. Disgusting." He complained. Your eye visibly twitched. "WELL THEN GO MAKE YOUR OWN BREAKFAST!" You yelled finally losing it. "DO NOT TALK TO YOUR BROTHER LIKE THAT YOU BRAT!" Your Father screamed at you. You huffed angrily and left for your room. Taking a bag you threw clothes inside it. Slinging your bag across your shoulder you went back downstairs. "Where are you going?" Your Mother asked. "I am leaving this hell of a house." You replied. Your 'Mother' walked to you and slapped you and you tumbled down by the force. "ВЫ НУДАЕТЕ!" She yelled. You stood, your hair covering your face. You growled and left running for the door.

You ran for a long time before coming to an abandoned mansion. You went inside looking for a slightly decent plan to sleep.

    You found a room that might've once belonged to a girl. The walls were pastel pink and white butterflies were painted on it. A twin sized bed was in the middle of the room and besides it a nightstand with an open book. The book had a layer of dust covering it so you assumed it had been there for a long time. You dusted it and it discovered strange phrases.

"A country's flag in a human's face you find.
At the break of a cold war a love will be found.
The oath of a true love might save the world.
But a blank faced foe will be to doubt."

It sounded like a prophecy. Suddenly a portal opened in the pages of the book and sucked you in. You fainted as you hit cold stone floor with a thud.

Thanks for reading
No this book is not like the other one I wrote *insert lenny face* though the same charactera will appear.

~Cold Heart~{USSR X Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora