Halloween Special

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Happy Halloween y'all!! Yes you will remember this in the future chapters it's just a filler chapter

UK's family was hosting a Halloween party at the end of the week and you still didn't know what to dress up as.

'Maybe a ghost? Nah, too old. Oh! A zombie! Wait... No that's old too.' You thought. "AGH THIS IS TOO STRESSING!" You exclaimed. 'Ding!' An idea popped in your head.

-Time skip to the Halloween party-

          No POV

The North American's were having the party this day. The mansion was devoted to give scary but fun aura.

Talking and laughing was heard until the lights when out. Murmurs rippled through the house as a light pointed to the staircase.

Down came Canada, America, Australia, and New Zealand the four sons of UK and France. "Welcome-" Started Canada. "To-" Continued America. "Our party!" Finished the twins New Zealand and Australia.

All four wore elegant suits and masks hiding fake scars. The lights from the reflectors turned to a purple light as the party started.

Few hours went by and few noticed that Y/N had not yet arrived.

The lights once again went out, but this time it was not the four brother's doing. A scraping noise was heard.

A song started playing from a small jukebox.

There was once crooked woman who walked a crooked mile,
She met a crooked man who had a crooked cat,
The crooked cat caught a little crooked mouse,

They found a crooked preach,
They had a crooked marriage in a crooked little beach
They had some crooked children and they lived a crooked life
The crooked man, the cat, the mouse, the children and the wife

They were happy for a number of crookedly long years
Lived a life of crooked happiness, no worries and no fears
Until one day the crooked wife upset the crooked man
He yelled a crooked yell and he hit her and he ran

The crooked man came again at the strike of twelve
That was when their crooked life became a living hell
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile
And while he killed his wife and kids he smiled a crooked smile

And with that the song ended and a clanking noice like a wooden leg on the wooden floor.

A few countries drew weapons which were part of their costumes.

The crooked wife dead now she is
She wobbles along in her crookedly ghostly knees
The crooked wife for vengeance now she seeks
The crooked man forever haunted now he is

The song was horribly slow and creepy at the last verse.

They lights turned on and there... Stood the crooked wife.

Her back was bent outwards and her nose and mouth were each on a different side of her face.

"WADDUP HOMIES!!!" She yelled. Everyone was shocked and confused.

"Am I seriously that ugly? Wow... I am shocked." She said sadly. She then proceeded to take her face off.

        Y/N's POV

You took your mask off. "Boo." You said making jazz hands. The mansion errupted into relieved sighs.

"Y-Y/N! YOU SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME!" Australia said holding a hand to his heart crying. You laughed at his reaction. "I am too scary for y'all!" You exclaimed. "Woah there only I can *Hic* say y'all." A very drunk... State? Said.

"Texas you are too drunk go sleep on the couch. Shoo shoo." America said shooing Texas away. He then left without a word.

"Oof... That went well." You said putting your mask back on. "I am gonna go with USSR and the others." You said waving goodbye.

You neared USSR who was sitting alone in a corner fiddling with his fingers. "Hey," You said startling him. "Huh? Oh hello Y/N." He said.

"What are you doing?" You asked sitting next to him, he shrugged and looked away. You took, sighing, your mask off and stood. Heading to the bar (yes they had a fucking bar in their house) and grabbed a bottle of Vodka.

You made your way back to USSR who looked up suprised to see you drank liquor. "Want some?" You asked opening the bottle, he nodded.

Soon both of you were drunk, well mostly you. You yawned and leaned against his shoulder.

        USSR'S POV

Y/N leaned against my shoulder yawning.' She looks cute- Wait! No no no. I did not just think that!' I exclaimed in my head not realizing she had fallen asleep.

I sighed and picked her up in my arms. I carried her back home and placed her on her bed. I was just going to leave when she whimpered sleepily. "No... Don't... Leave..." She groaned pulling me onto the bed next to her.

She hugged me and looked at me in the eye. "Soviet... Who knew you could be so warm being a cold country and all~" She giggled making my face erupt into blush.

She leaned into me pressing her soft warm lips against my cold ones. I could taste the liquor in her breath as she parted from the kiss.

She giggled softly and burried her face in my chest. "Soviet..." She started, "I think I am in love with-" She stopped to yawn, "You..." She said falling asleep at that last word.

I kissed her forehead still blushing. She exaled the air through her mouth making a soft snoring sound.

I carefully slid off the bed and walked to the door sending brief glance at her sleeping figure before smiling softly. Closing the door I left to my room sighing and layed down on my bed.





"I love you too."

Oof I finally finished I am gonna try and make a special Day of the Dead chapter so stay tuned!

(Wow I sound like a damn TV channel lmao)

Words: 985

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