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Later in the day, Downtown Algonquin had been on a lockdown. The Subways were limited to certain lines, the bridges were shutdown, the Ferry was running but on an alerted schedule. The boys, Meruan, Buraian and Iesu all were at a subway station, waiting on an E Train.

Meruan was wearing a black hoodie, and black sweats with black and white sneakers. Buraian was wearing a purple hoodie, black jeans, purple sneakers, Iesu wearing grew sweats, grey slides with white socks, and a grey hoodie. Meruan looked over the edge as he tried to see if the train was coming.

"What ya'll think gonna happen with that President shit? That shit finna put people on edge." Spoke Meruan. "Look. I never saw the inside of somebodies head before today. I don't want, to see somebodies head blow the fuck open again. I'm already on edge because of it." Replied Buraian. "Realistically, the shit gets worse from here, they not gonna kill a country leader and then go into hiding. Unless its some single nigga- and even they wouldn't risk this, unless they like, really wanna die."

The train had began to pull into the station. Stopping in the station. 'This is Windmill Street. The next stop is San Quentin Avenue. Stand clear.'

The three were on the train, surprisingly not alot of people on it, Meruan sitting by the end of the cart, looking out the window, the train starting up. Outside, a clear sight of the apartment buildings with graffiti on them, he looked up to see Iesu and Buraian talking, then looked back outside, the train doing a turn, Meruan able to see a park and the basketball courts, some other kids skipping were out there, he finally looks away, closing his eyes, the camera cuts to a graffiti covered subway train crossing a bridge going into Algonquin.

Meanwhile. The tattooed woman had been at the next train station. She had gotten away from the scene, him and her henchmen split up. She tapped her foot, patiently waiting. The news had been showing on TVs, a censored version of the shooting. A kid had been watching it on their phone, the woman smirking. Proud of her work. The train pulled into the station, opening the doors. 'This is Frankfort High. Next stop, West Park. Stand Clear.'

The woman stepped into the cart, seeing the three boys. A mother and her child also got on the train. The woman walked over to where Meruan was sitting, he had his feet up. She spoke. "Move your legs, boy." Meruan looked at the woman, shaking his head. "That's not how you ask." He looked back out the window, doors closing as the train started up. Iesu and Buraian looking at the situation, stepping up.

"I dont give a fuck if that's how you ask or not. Move your fucking feet kid. I want to sit." She said, balling her fist up. "All this fucking room on this train, and you wanna sit your nappy head ass here? Get lost bi-." The second he was about to mutter that word, Iesu stepped in. "MERUAN! MERUAN!" He said, grabbing him and pulling him up from the seat. "Please ma'am, forgive my brother, he could be a little, DISRESPECTFUL.. at times." Iesu said, waving the woman off and walking away, the train now in the tunnel.

"Please, sit, lay down, do as you please.." Iesu said, walking off, a premature sigh of relief. "Its kids like you fucks that's pure examples as to why this country needs a leader change.. and trust me. Its going to get it. Rather. It has to now." She spoke, smirk on her face again as the three boys looked at her, confused. The three looked at each other, Iesu whispers. "Let's just go to the other cart..." they started to walk, but then the woman spoke.

"You. With the dreads. Come here." They all had worried looks. The three of them walked back together, but then she spoke. "You two could stop there, that's close enough." Meruan wanted to start a fight right there, but Buraian just went with it, not wanting to cause a scene. Once he stood to her. She.. just kind of. Read him. She sensed a power within him. It was strong. "I'm going to need you to come with me.." she reached to grab him, before Meruan, the nonbender, ran in and shoved her back.

"You don't put your hands on him, we'll be leaving now, thank you." The train had sounded its horn, as it was about to pull into the next station. The woman got up, angry.

"You fucked up kid.." she shot fire at him, the woman scream as she held her kid close, the ball would fly down the cart, almost hitting Iesu, but he hit slapped it away, out the window, which sent it into the station. The train sped up once that happened, as it skipped the station.

"This is not how I saw my day going.." Meruan said, stepping up, ready to fight, Buraian and Iesu to his sides. "Bring it kiddos. Let's see if I'm right about you..."


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