Chapter 9. [FINALE.]

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Buraian yelled, a fire aura surrounded him, Miyabi as well, the two jumped at each other, winding up a punch, and connecting, sending shockwaves throughout the building, and huge fire in the room. Miyabi would back Lillard back, jumping foward once landed and punching Buraian in the face, as fell back, without letting him get his balance, Miyabi upper cut him with a fire punch, grabbing his shirt, and throwing him to the other side of the room.

"This isn't a fair fight boy! Don't tell me hou expected that!" Buraian, from behind her desk, kicked it towards her, and jumped up, shooting two fire balls at her. "I expected you to fight dirty, I expect nothing less from a coward ass dog!"

Buraian charged up a blast and shot it at her, took it, walking foward in the now burning room. "I've spent my entire life. Training myself and mastering fire bending. All I really wanted was to bring balance to this world of chaos."

"So you bring more chaos into the world? What kind of logic is that?! If anything, all the children you separated will just grow up to hate you even more. If I fail today, I guarantee it. Out of the fire you caused, when the smoke clears out, somebody will stand up." Buraian began to sweat, his hoodie ripped.

"Enough talk. THEY WILL SUFFER THE SAME FATE AS YOU!" She said, dashing towards him, and tackling him through the weakened wall, to the staircase to the roof. Buraian kicked her off, as he ran up there.

He got up to a point where there was no barriers. If one of them fell, it was death. The night was upon them. Miyabi got up to where he was, smirking. "I hope they remember you, boy."

Being on the roof, outside. She channeled something he didnt have. Lightning. She would use Lightning, and shot it. Striking right at him, in the chest, and.... essentially. Killing him.

It was an out of body experience. Everything slow. He got flashbacks. Memories of him, Iesu and Meruan as children. Running from cops in middle school. Skipping school. The day they all saw the president die. None of them knew just how much their lives would change that day.

Was it supposed to end here?

Flash into the real world, and Buraians body falls, right to the ground. A helicopter is heard, and Miyabi looks up. Flying the Helicopter is the woman from the train, the old man that Meruan met, and Meruan. The light flashed, and Meruan saw Buraians body laid out.

"NO!" He yelled, jumping out the helicopter without nothing much more said, landing down and running to his body, trying to feel a pulse. "Come on Buraian... come on... no. NO!"

"Please boy. You can't save him.... he's already dead." She smirked, Meruan looking at her. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" He said, charging at her. Him being a non bender, he was easily beat, all she did was hit a pressure point, and grab him by his arms.

"As to how you even survived, is beyond me. You've cheated death for to long child. But because of how much you piss me off, I'm going to make sure this is painful!" She said, punching him in the back, Meruan yelling out in pain. She began repeatedly punching him, over and over, tossing him to the ground and stepping on his chest. "This is a lesson! Anyone who dares to defy us! Will suffer this same fate!" She yelled, stepping on his chest, starting to crush it.

"NOW DIE!" She yelled, ready to kill him for good, when she sensed power. White flash into the air as she turned to where Buraians body was. He stood up. White yes. White hair. Miyabi already knew.

She kicked Meruans body to the side, before Buraian boosted at her with immense speed, and punching in the back with fire, she gets sent a good distance, but not falling off the building. She would lift up into the air, and charge lighting, shooting it right at his chest once again; but this time it was different. He gathered the lighting, and redirected it back to her, shooting it back, and shocking her with her own attack. He boosted foward, and grabbed her. "Miyabi Yang. You have caused to much pain. To much suffering. No more will you be allowed to. You're finished." He held two fingers to her forehead, as her eyes began to flash, a bright light shined into the air, like a beacon.

From all over the world. They knew. Once Buraian entered the spirit realm, avatar monuments and artifacts around the world; all of their eyes glowed. The entire world now knew of the Avatars return, and it came earlier than anyone expected.

Once Buraian was done, he dropped her, still alive, as Buraian went out of the Avatar State, back into his normal form.

The camera fades out, and fades back in. Morning. Cops, SWAT, and Army surrounded the building, arresting and taking in all Sai-Nan soldiers.

Meruan had been bandaged up, sitting on an ambulance, looking out at the scene, Buraian, Iesu, and Yahiru with him.

"Y'all do know we ain't going back to our normal lives.. right?" Meruan looked up at them.

"Yeah... we do." Buraian spoke, sighing. "So much had happened... last week we were normal kids.. now. We're fucking.. what wre we?"

"Heros." Said a voice, a woman walked up to them. The Vice President. "What you all did... was... words cant describe how brave you all are. I cannot thank you enough.. because of you. The nation has some hope... we've lost alot. But. No matter how many times we're hit.. we never back down. Thank you. Once again." The boys all nodded to her, showing their respect as she walked off to go handle the media.

Meruan saw the old man who had helped him, and got up from ambulance, walking to him. "Sir.. thank you. So much... I owe you. I don't know how I'll pay you back.. but."

"You don't have to. What I did, was out of the kindess of my heart. You have alot of potential Meruan. I know it." Meruan smiled, a rare scene. "You know, I never got your name."


Buraian and Iesu sat, Iesu looking at Buraian. "What's the plan now, Avatar?" Buraian looked at him. "I guess.. we gotta get places for me to learn the bending. The Sai-Nan for sure will come back.. we dont know when. But we have to be ready for when they do..." Buraian said, looking down at his hands.

"The battle is over..."

Rin and Solana watched the entire aftermath from a distant building. As they watched Miyabi taken in by the military.

"But the war, has just began."

[Fuck You- Dr. Dre Instrumental Plays.]

Written by AntsMelo.
Produced by Actionz.
Inspired by the Avatar Franchise.
Non profitable.

[Music gets low..]

A shipment yard is shown on the camera, in China. Children run about that belong to an orphanage. In a home, a very rich, tidy place, much more standing out then the rest. A husband and wife are briefed of the news.

"Miyabi... taken down in America. Held captive...." the man stood up. "They've gone and done it... they finally have stepped in shit to big for them to clean up... I don't give a damn if the Avatar is alive. We begin planning now. We let them wait a while... have the illusion of peace. One year from now. They will know the true meaning of fear...."


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