Chapter 8.

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Buraian and Yahiru walked through the sewers, Buraian covering his nose with his sweater. It was disgusting, waste, rats, homeless people. It had been a little city for them all. Buraian looked at Yahiru, and spoke. "Come. Let's hurry up, we need to stop them before they potentially go after the rest of the country. If we take them down here, it'll be a huge set back."

"Alright. Let's go." The two took off, running down the tunnel, following the signs, and headed straight downtown.

[Meanwhile. ]

Meruan had been taken with the girl who captured him and the old man. The girl drove the dying Meruan to the famous pier, normally filled with cheer, fun, happiness. Was now empty, soulless. She stopped the car, just the two of them there. Leaning her chair back and looking at him. Meruan looked the other way, at this point waiting for his death.

"You know... for some reason. I'd kind of feel bad for killing you here... technically. I'm not even the one that did it." She said, taking note of the bullet wound. "And.. oddly enough. I don't want this.. story. Between us to end.. not yet. I feel like theirs alot more in store.. but those pages aren't written yet."

Meruan turned to her. "The hell is that supposed to mean..." he said faintly. He was just a few minutes away from giving out.

"I mean. I'm not letting you die here just yet... what fun is there in this. No..." she got out the car, and went to the passenger seat, dragging him by his legs, as he blacked out. Vision fading in and out, as he seen himself getting dragged to the water.

Before Meruan knew it, water was all over his body.. glowing. In a few seconds.. he was healed. Back to full strength. He got up, confused. "Why did you..-"

"Listen. Don't say a word. This is the one and only time I'll EVER, do this for you. And the only reason I did, is because I want the pleasure of killing your ass myself. Get lost. And trust and beleive me." She stepped up. "Next time we see each other. It will be very.. different...."

[Meanwhile, At the Rotterdam Tower.]

Iesu had followed the helicopter as far as he could. All of Star Junction had been blocked off, guarded by the Sai-Nan. They were taking people into custody for resisting them. He looked and saw a situation unfolding, two guards and a little girl.

"Listen you little shit! You're coming with us, and I don't give a damn how hard you resist!" Yelled the soldier. "Let my mommy and daddy go! They did nothing wrong you big bully!" The little girl tried to take a swing, but the soldier punched her. Knocking her clean out and right to the floor.

"Little fu-." He was cut off, with a loud, quick, hard kick by Iesu. Soldiers in the area locking their sights on him.

"What kind of a man are you. Punching a little girl. The Sai-Nan make me sick." He gathered spit, and spat in the mans face, using Earth to kick him away. All the other soldiers began to close in, his cover now blown, he began to use earth bending to get to the entrance of the tower. He would do one big jump, and flip. Landing down and punching the Earth, sending an earthquake in one direction of the city, making a giant gap between him and the chasing soldiers.

From underground, Buraian and Yahiru felt the quakes, the two of them running as some of the Earth above them collapsed. They got out, because of the giant gap Iesu made, back onto surface level. Iesu running into the building before Buraian yelled.

"IESU!" He said. Iesu turning around with shock on his face. Here Buraian stood. Still alive. "You're alive?! How the fuck did you survive that!"

"This dude here helped me, we don't got much time. Everyone is in here, their leaders, all of them. We take them down, we can save the city, come on!"

The boys all rushed into the lobby, soldiers taking guns out and firing them, but Iesu bended the metal from the guns and shot them all back in a ricochet. The three rushed into the elevator, headed to the top floor.

Miyabi sat in an office. Watching the security footage from the lobby, and the elevator. Getting up, and radioing. "Attention all security. Focus all fire on these two. But the Avatar... the Avatar is mine. You are not to fire on him. Keep those two preoccupied."

The Sai-Nan were all ready. Patiently anticipating those doors to open. Buraian and Iesu both looked at each other... they both knew. Everything led up to this moment.

The doors opened, and right then, they all sprang into action, jumping out the elevator, Buraian spun shooting fire in all directions.

"Iesu, Yahiru, watch the earth bending! You could bring the building down ontop of us!" Buraian started running straight ahead to the staircase, the Sai-Nan taking on Yahiri and Iesu.

Finally, Buraian made it, busting through the door. Miyabi up. "Avatar Buraian. Bet you never thought ever. Huh?" She walked forward, sitting on the table. "I don't give a damn what you are. You're nothing but poor, junkyard, shit. And you die today."

"You're wrong. You're wrong about all of us. You're wrong in general... you killed.. countless people. Separated hundreds of families... no. I will not allow it to happen no longer. You pay today! Now let's go!" Buraian yelled, a fire aura surrounded him, Miyabi as well, the two jumped at each other, winding up a punch, and connecting.


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