Chapter 3.

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The three would begin to fight, Meruan rushed at the woman, before she grabbed him and swung him into the train door, with enough force to crack the window, as she pushed him in an attempt to shove him off and kill him, Buraian then would build up fire, shooting it at her, while Iesu would run to her side, and punch her in her stomach, she clinched her stomach as the fire hit her.

"GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME! IM ABOUT TO FALL THROUGH!" Meruan yelled, Iesu running and pulling him into the train, The woman would get up and spin around, flames shooting in all directions. "Damn!" Yelled Meruan, as he rolled out the way of the attacks, the train starting to catch on fire.

The woman stopped and started walking up the burning cart, going towards Buraian before Meruan jumped up from cover, trying to tackle her but she grabbed him by his hair, and tossed him to the back of the cart, his head hitting a pole as he dropped to the floor.

Buraian would shoot a small fire attack, that the woman tanked through. "You are coming with me boy..." he grabbed him by the hoodie, charging up a punch with fire, and getting him right in the face, leaving a burn mark on the right side of his face.

The woman that had been in the back of the train, was there to witness this all with her child. She spoke. "Stay here AJ." She walked to the unconscious Meruans, using her child's water bottle, opening it up and water bending to Meruans head, healing him back to conscious, as he opened his eyes up.

"Thank you ma'am..." he got up slowly, looking down the cart with blurry vision to see Iesu and Buraian. Buraian held up as the train started to slow down.

"This is West Park Station." The announcer said, the train pulled into the station, the blonde hair woman smirked. "Sorry, but this is our last stop. I will be seeing the three of you, very soon." She said before tossing Buraian to the side, and blowing a hole in the back of the train, and running into the tunnel, going through an escape entrance.

"Come on! We out after her!" Yelled Meruan, jumping up and running into the tunnel.

"No! Meruan!" Iesu yelled, but Meruan didnt listen. Meruan would run up to surface level, into the city and found... nothing. No sight of the woman. Just a crowd of people, and sirens. Police were on the way to the station.


About one hour after the fight, the tattooed woman was inside of the Rotterdam Tower. She tapped her foot, waiting on the elevator as it went 'DING!.' She stepped in.

Another woman was waiting there for her. Pale, black thin hair, and short.

"Report." She spoke.

"Well. The president is no longer a threat... and well. On my way here, I ran into some.. teens. Little fuckers. But one of them... one of them. They had this feel, like they have a bunch of untapped potential. If they unlock said potential, they can be a serious threat to us..." the tattooed woman replied, the two of them getting to the top of the building.

"Then I want you to kill them Rin... we cannot have children be threats to us. Make sure it's done in not so much of a public eye... we want these people cooperating when the Sai-Nan begin to... take over. For so damn long, this country has done nothing but tear itself apart.. the world itself. But this country will be made an example... once it is under our control. We will then work our way into the rest of the world...."


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