Prequel Episode. V1.

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Avatar. Prequel

248 AG.

A cop and a teenager are in a car, in a heavy amount of traffic. The teenager playing some hip-hop on the radio, and the cop looking out of the window, sighing. "Yin, turn that down please." He spoke.

"My bad Han, yeah." He turned it down and looked at Han, seeing his face. "You good? It looks like something's bothering you." Yin asked, leaning it before Han turned, shaking his head. "Yeah I'm good, don't worry about me okay? Just stressed is all, I need some sleep." The light changed and he started driving.

After a short while, they were driving down the street, and out of seemingly nowhere, a rocket was shot and narrowly missed the cop car driving, hitting a truck and blowing up. "What the hell?!" Han turned on the siren to the car and sped up, people were driving and running away, another shot went off and a car infront of them hit, blowing up, which caused them to slow down, cars behind them sped up and crashed into them, causing a pile up. 

"What the fuck is going on?! Agh! Damn!" Yin yelped out in pain, opening the door and falling out, his arm broken from the crash. They heard a woman call out, standing on a tank, behind her was three others, and black SUVs, with countless soldiers.

"People of West Fan! This is a takeover, the Sai-Nan are here to help you, and your people. Please, get off the streets and stay in your homes, it will make things a lot more easier. Anybody who resist, will be dealt with." The woman speaking was Rin, red hair, tattoos and all.

"Han, we have to do something! We can't just let them do this!" Yin said, looking at his mentor. "No Yin, you're not ready for this. Stay here, I'll hold her off and get back up." Han said, looking forward. "No! I won't just sit around! What if you get killed?! I can help Han, this is what you've been training me for, give me that chance!" He cried out, Han closed his eyes. He looked at Yin and punched him in the stomach, the boy falling to the ground unconscious. 

"I'm sorry. But I can't let you do this to yourself. You'll thank me one day." Yin looked ahead, and ran ahead, skipping from car to car, until he landed by Rin. "Hey! You!"

Rin looked over. "This city is not up for grabs. And if you think for a second that we'll let you take us over without a fight, you are dead wrong!" Han said. He was ready for a fight. 

"If death is what you want, then death is what you'll get." She stood up, shooting fire right at the officer, he rolled out the way and shot blue fire at the woman, which she also dodged, turning around and firing lighting, yellow lightning that he couldn't dodge, which hit him and sent him flying back.

A few minutes after being knocked out, Yin woke up. "Damn… Han! What the hell-?!" He got up and started running towards the battle, stopping. He went back and grabbed a 44. Magnum out the back of the cop car Han drove, running back to the scene. 

Yin crept up, spotting Rin beating the life out of Han, who had been on the ground. "Hero's like you… disgust me. You'll die, and won't even be remembered." Rin stood on Han's chest, ready to deliver the final blow, before hearing a gunshot, feeling it pierce right through her, but it almost did nothing. All she did was turn around, and look at the teenage boy standing on top of a car.

"WHAT?!" Yin yelled in shock. He shot the rest of the bullets, all that missed, but one she caught. She smirked. "Little boys, shouldn't play with guns…" she plucked it right back at him, piercing through his chest. His eyes went all white, as he fell off the car he stood on, and landed on the concrete, laying on another car. Rin walked to the boy, spotting him and grabbing him by the shirt. 

"You know. It's Kids like you who show, why we do what we do. No order… no balance. Little shit's running around freely." Rin said, Yin waking up. "Shut the fuck up… you bitch. You're nothing but a Sai-Nan whore… a pawn, a dumb bitch on her period…" Yin laughed, blood on his face as Rin smirked, throwing him into a store, he crashed through the glass and hit a shelf. 

"Still some fight in you. I respect it. I respect it a lot." She said, busting the door down of the store. Yin was crawling, trying to get up. "I want to see what will crack first." She grabbed him by the shirt again, lifting him up. "Your mind…" she punched him in the face, he flew behind the counter, hitting his head on the register before falling.

"Or your body." She climbed over, holding a flame, ready to kill the boy… but she held it. Not acting. She got off him, grabbing his body and tossing it over her shoulder, walking back to Han, and throwing Yin on top of him.

"Arrest these two. Send them to or top level security, and continue the takeover. Nobody will leave this island. Anybody inbound to the island, turns around. But the world won't know what is going on here…"

Age 257.

Yin, seen aged up, a beard and in a freezing cold facility is looking out of a window. The now Sai-Nan ran Fan in his view. Han in the top bunk of the cell, shivering. 

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