Chapter 6.

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Buraian was sent flying into the Hudson River, Rin looked back and looked down at Iesu, in pain, and in shock. "You... you'll have a chance at survival. But..." she looked at the kitchen, shooting fire it. "Survive that first." She stepped over him, grabbing the limp bodied Meruan, then walked out of the burning building.

The camera fades to black, and fades back in. SPLASH! It shows Meruan, his eyes opening up. He was in a trunk, and it was sinking. Quickly. He began to punch and kick at the back of it, after twenty seconds of trying, it busted open, water came flying in as he climbed out.

He was weak, and felt it. He swam to the surface level, and grabbed on to a wood board, coughing. He had been crying... he never cried before. Not in recent memory at least. For the first time in his life, he felt helpless. He passed out once again on the log.

The camera faded once more, showing Buraian climbing up to the surface level, after being blown into the Hudson River. He coughed up water, and looked at Bohan. Spotting the smoke in the air... it was from their apartment building. He walked through an alleyway, collapsing from his injuries, and looking in the distance at the smoke.

He walked through the streets, limping, clinging on and trying to not pass out, as he looked at a TV, displaying the news in a store. All he was able to see was the report of a project building completely burned down, countless dead, and countless injured.


Rin was in the passenger seat of the signature black SUV, smirk on her face. Their mission was complete. And now the next step in their plan would be in play. With the one threat that they did have... nobody would be able to stop the Sai-Nan from what was coming. She would use the radio in the car, then spoke.

"Miyabi. Come in. The mission is complete. Our convoy is en route, and heading into Algonquin. Is everything set up?" Asked Rin.

"Yes. Good work my friend... we will be ready within the next thirty minutes. Get to the rendezvous point, and I will join you shortly." Miyabi responded.

SUVs had drove below the Broker bridge, Rin and her men all got out, a soldier bringing Rin a remote as she smirked.

[Back with Buraian...]

He had been walking, tripping over himself, his eyes sight blurry as he held onto a wall. He walked into a back alley of a store, trying to regain some strength before his body gave out, he collapsed onto trash bags and passed out.

A boy, around their same age rushed out, investigating what the noise was and saw him, laid out. "What happened to you..."

He walked to him, and lifted him up, the boy taller, and more muscle on him. He took him upstairs and into a room, placing him on a bed. He went to get water, and something for him to eat.

The camera fades, then goes to the log, and Meruan, who slowly opens his eyes. The log hit a dock, as Meruan would climb up, coughing up water and shivering. He got a view of the city, and began to cry once more.

Footsteps could be heard on the wood, as Meruan looked up. It had been a man, white, and slightly elder. Anthony had wiped his tears, and lazily got up from the ground, his clothes still wet and dripping down his body.

"You need help boy. Their is no need to act like you don't.. I can assure you that I have no bad intentions." The man said, walking to a boat docked up by the pier. "Come."

Meruan stood there, dumbfounded. Was he serious? He limped over, getting into the boat with the man, his legs giving out as he fell back in a seat, sighing.

"I will take you somewhere you can get new clothes. And heal you. Tell me, what happened to you?" The man said, as he began to drive the boat, Meruan looking at him.

".... I..." he looked down, hesitating. Flashes of shooting at Rin, and the bullet being redirected went through his head.

"I got shot. These dudes were after me and my friends....." he looked at the spot of his body that been shot. "Shit went south. I got dumped into the water.. I don't know what happened after that..." Meruan looked at the man.


Buraian had woke up. Looking at the room he was in, and seeing him in his t-shirt. The burnt up scars on his body, and a lamp lit to keep him warm. The boy came back into the room with some food.

"Your up... good." He walked, setting the food on a table, and grabbing a stool to sit by him. "I found you out back in the alley. I couldn't leave you like that so.. I took you here." He looked at Buraian.

"Thank you man... fuck. Listen to me okay. I need you to listen to me okay? Call the cops, and tell them something for me." Buraian sat up.

"Okay.. what is it?"

"Tell them, a group called the Sai-Nan.. their connected with who killed the president. Their after me.. and they may be planning an attack. Quick... please. And what's your name?"

"Yahiru... I'll get on the phone." He said grabbing his phone and dialing 911.

The Sai-Nan had been spread out throughout the city. In a helicopter, a pale skinned woman, with a tattoo across her face, looked down at Algonquin.

"For far to long. We've played by society's rules... it's time to play by our rules...." she said, using a radio. "Rin. Seal off the island."

With that said, Rin clicked a detonator, and bombs went off throughout the city. All bridges had been blow up on a massive scale, cars and people falling into the water, dying, drowning, hit by debris or killed in the explosions. Every bridge connecting into the city.

Bombs went off in some big subway stations, trapping people underground and even killing some.

A train was speeding, ready to go out onto the bridge but the rail was disconnected, the train stopping before it could go off into the water. Everyone around the city left in fear, in chaos, confusion.

"Sai Nan... now. We take over." She laughed.


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