Chapter 4.

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The boys found themselves walking in the city, into Star Junction. On the jumbo screens, the news was shown talking about the president assasination. The boys walked into a coffee shop, sitting down at a table.

"Meruan, don't run off like that again, what if you had walked into a trap or something, and she was there to kidnap you, or kill you. Obviously shes shown she doesn't have a problem. Because she got close to killing you twice." Iesu spoke.

"Why would you provoke her in the first place? All you had to do was move your fucking legs, no problem, nothing." Buraian chipped in.

"First of all, she was being rude from the jump. And she was going to start with us any fucking way. Empty ass fucking cart and she comes over to us, and starts with me. Then she told you to come to her. That's some weird shit man. And I got a feeling that's not the last we seen of her." Meruan explained, tapping his foot.

"Look. Important thing is, we made it out alive. We should get back to Bohan. But from now moving foward, stay on edge. It's better to play it safe." Iesu said, the camera fading to black.

The Next Morning.

"It Ain't Hard To Tell" by Nas played as Meruan was shown in a park, panning the camera into a basketball court with him dribbling the ball, the court was empty and it was perfect to get some practice in. He shot the ball from the three point line, and in went in, swish.

He walked to his bookbag, and sat down, checking his phone. Everywhere, people still talked about the assasination of the president. It started to get on his nerves. He couldn't stop thinking about the fight they had yesterday either. He shook his head, sighing. He looked up and saw a woman in a hoodie walk into the park, and walk to him. At first he thought it was a homeless person that wanted to ask for money, but then she picked her head up.

"It's... you?" He said confused. It was the woman that was on the train when they fought. "How did you find me?" He asked, standing up.

"I followed your energy source." She said, the two of them were about the same height.

"What energy source? It's not like I'm a bender and I give off some aura." He replied. "You have energy, alot actually. You just don't know it yet. I felt it during the fight. I wanted to find you to ask.. what did that woman want?"

"I don't know. She came up to him, then said he had to come with her. That's when I jumped in and pushed her. Why?" Meruan tilted her head.

"Because. I think that the woman that attacked you three, must be tied to the president's assassination. That tattoos she had, those are warrior tattoos. Specifically warriors of the Sai-Nan."

"What the hell is the Sai Nan?" He asked. "Their like a nation of terror. Barely anybody knows about them, and they rarely make themselves known. They were involved in wars over the years, supplying big countries. Do you remember the Fire Nation kid?" She asked, walking to the bench with Meruan following.

"I honestly dont go to school so no." He looked at her, before she spoke some more. "Long ago, their were four nations that made up the world. The Earth Kingdom, the Water Tribe, the Air Nomads, and the Fire Nation. They all lived in peace, and eventually the Fire Nation went rogue, trying to take over the other nations. They even succeeded for some, taking out the Air Nomads completely." She said, Meruan following all of this along.

"So the Sai-Nan. Their like the Fire Nation... granted the world isn't in harmony right now. But they've been in the shadows all these years, and now they about to emerge." Meruan began to piece it all together, seeing the comparisons.

"In a way. Yes. Something also very important... for a portion of time, the Fire Nation hunted the Avatar. You know what the Avatar is, right?" The woman looked to him.

"Yeah, who doesn't. But we don't got an Avatar, the last Avatar died like fifteen years ago." Meruan replied. "True. But the spirit of the Avatar can also be reincarnated. Leading me to beleive that your friend... the reason she went up to him. Is because she sensed that power..."

"No... no way. No fucking way. He..." Meruan stood up in disbelief. "No... wait." Meruan took his phone out, looking up online the death date of the last Avatar. In which articles popped up.

'Avatar Korra- dead at age 87.' May 23rd, 1987...

"May 23rd... that's his birthday...then that means.." Meruan looked up, having a realization. "THEY PROBABLY AFTER HIM NOW THEN!"


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