6. Meeting a rather cute demon

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Today Shoyo-Sensei and (Y/N) would search for 'the corpse-eating demon child'. Were the rumors really true or not??

After traveling for some time from village to village, gathering the local people's information on the rumors about 'the corpse-eating demon child', both you and Shoyo got your hands on location the demon was last noticed.

The clouds hid the Sun, the moment you both entered the battlefield where the villagers are said to have seen the child. A distinct, sickly sweet odor entered your nose which was unmistakably the odor of the people who died on the battlefield. You smelt blood and somehow you felt thrilled, you didn't know why, but with each step your excitement grew, your instincts sharpened, just like a wild animal smelt blood for the first time.

Unbeknownst to you, Shoyo-Sensei was observing your unusual demeanor. But he thought that he would think about your strange behavior afterward. "Is everything alright, little samurai", Shoyo-Sensei asked. But you didn't reply. You were too busy experiencing this new feeling. It took Shoyo a whole one minute to wake you up from your senses. " Ev-everything is alright Sensei."

Suddenly you noticed a movement from afar. You saw a child. At that time you didn't realize that was beyond human capabilities to see someone. "Sensei, I think I saw someone there." When you both went closer you saw it clearly, a corpse-eating onigiri(rice ball) atop a corpse.

You hid behind Sensei's legs. Of course, why wouldn't you, when in front of you was the main character of Gintama, Sakata Gintoki and moreover he was in his child form. So cute and adorable.

Shoyo moved forward and so did you, the boy didn't seem to notice you both as he was interested in finishing his onigiri. Shoyo put a hand on his head and at that instant, he looked up.

"We came here after hearing about a corpse-eating demon... Would that be you? A rather cute demon..." Gintoki suddenly shoved off Shoyo's hand and leaped back drawing a sword which was covered in blood.

Eyeing the sword, dull from being used in the battle to kill hundreds of beings, Shoyo spoke. "Did you also take that from the corpse?" Licking the rice left in his mouth, Gintoki stood in a fighting stance.

"A single child stripping corpses to protect himself, is it?" Gintoki's frown grew further as he stared at you both. You noticed Shoyo's hand moving to his sword. "A sword that's swung only in self-defense, while fearing others, should be thrown away...", saying that Shoyo threw his sword to Gintoki which he caught after stumbling a little. "I shall give you my sword. If you wish to learn how to properly use it... Then come with me. From now on, you will swing that sword. Not to cut away your weaknesses and protect yourself... But to protect your very soul", saying that Shoyo turned his back to Gintoki and began walking away. You stood there for a moment before deciding to go with Shoyo. Reaching up to Shoyo, chuckling you said, "You are pretty sure that he would follow us sensei, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?" "Well, you are smiling so much and I can see that you are pretty much excited." Grinning Shoyo said, "Oh, then that means I need to keep check on my emotions." "N-No need, you are better this way." "Is it so?", Shoyo smiled closing his eyes. Suddenly you heard something behind you. You saw Gintoki fallen down while chasing after you two. You hurried over to him and extended your hands to help him get up. He, after a moment of hesitation, clutched your hands and got up. He stared at you, analyzing you. You smiled at him, which took him back by surprise. He kept holding your hand, for unbeknownst to you, he was comfortable in your presence. You didn't mind him holding your hands at all and all the while Shoyo watched you two having a cute moment together, which was in his perspective.


(I am sorry Reader-san for not updating sooner. The problem was that it took me a long time to search for the conversation that took place between Shoyo-Sensei and Gintoki when they met for the first time. I found it at last, today on a YouTube video where Gintoki's past was shown. Thank you for reading this book and Goodby-)

Izanami-san suddenly appeared which cut off the author-chan midway. "Where do you think you are going author-chan? EXPLAIN IT TO ME", not one, not two but more than two irk mark appeared on Izanami-san.

(E-E-Explain what..???)


(Oh, that's because your role is completed. Bye), saying that author-chan disappeared into thin air.

"Next time, next time when she would appear before my eyes, I would kill her at that moment", saying that she laughed her maniac, u-umm, I mean, sweet laugh.


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