13. Difficulties arise..

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Takasugi and Katsura are now part of Shoka Sonjuku, but new challenges are awaiting you, can you solve them?? I wonder about that too...

The beautiful moon had already replaced the Sun and was giving its best to shine brightly. It accompanied Katsura who was passing through the lonely streets all alone. After turning a corner he would be able to see Takasugi's house, but what he didn't expect was to see Takasugi being hanged from a tree in his backyard.

"Now here's a pleasant sight ", Katsura spoke, "There's a moron flying in the sky. "

"Yeah, it's a pleasant sight ", Takasugi replied, "I can look down on a moron. "

"What are you going to do from now on?", Katsura asked after standing against the wall of the house of Takasugi.

"There's nothing I can do. I was told I'd be disowned if I ever set foot in that place again."

"I see. So your father caught wind of that runor, too. There's a rumor saying that the Shoka Sonjuku school gathers local kids and feeds them shady anti-bafuku and seditious propaganda."

'You can each flaunt your own brand of bushido and become your own samurai', Takasugi thought about Shoyo Sensei's word.
"Sounds about right. If all Samurai were like the ones he talks about, this country would fall to ruin."

"Perhaps... But they were a pleasant bunch. I always thought Samurai were prisoners, shackled by all kinds of things. But if it is possible, I'd love to be a free-spirited samurai like that."

Next morning

Due to lack of some notebooks and other stationary items, Shoyo Sensei requested you to go to the shop to purchase all these stuffs. Well, truth to be told, you can't say no to his smiling face. After carrying books which you had no difficulty in doing so, you saw near the fence of Shoka Sonjuku school, Takasugi standing and watching Shoyo Sensei. You smiled seeing Takasugi there and was about to greet him when you saw some eight boys approaching Takasugi.

'I had definitely seen them somewhere', you thought.

"The rumors were right. We were wondering why we hadn't seen you at the academy lately", said a tall boy among those boys who clearly seemed to be the leader of the group.

'Wait a minute, aren't those boys the one's who were pestering Takasugi and Katsura the first time I met them? What are they doing here??', you thought.

Hiding behind the bushes, you listened to their conversation.

"Who'd have thought that you'd get attached to this shady temple school?", the leader said.

'SHADY!!!! HOW DARE HE SPEAK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY SCHOOL!!!', and in your anger you broke a pencil which was in your hand, into many pieces.

Hearing the sound, a boy turned and looked in your direction and finding that no one was there he turned to face Takasugi.

"I guess you'll finally be expelled from the Military Arts Academy, Takasugi. But too bad, this school might get shut down as soon as tonight. I told my father about some nasty rumors about this place. The officials will make their move soon. That man will either be run out of here or arrested if he's lucky. Serves that random vagabond right for pretending to be a teacher. This is what happens when you step out of line and insult us, samurai. Takasugi, you'll never be a samurai now.", the leader said.

(Vagabond means a person who wanders from place to place without a home or a job. See you later readers, bye!!!)

'RANDOM VAGABOND!!!!', and this time you shredded a notebook to pieces. A dark aura surrounded you and smirking you whispered to yourself, 'He will definitely be punished by my own hands now that he has badmouthed Sensei'.

Another Chance: A Gintama FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora