11. Don't give up. If you do, then it's all over.

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In previous chapter, our heroine, (Y/N) met Takasugi and Katsura. What would happen next? To find out, please continue to read, Reader-san...

"Okay, now let the battle begin...", you said, and at that moment Takasugi and Gintoki began to battle. After meeting Takasugi and Katsura, at the shrine in the previous chapter, Takasugi seeing how strong Sensei was, wanted to challenge him in a fight. Though, Sensei said that he would agree to fight Takasugi, only after he had defeated Gintoki in a match. And from then on, Takasugi always came to fight Gintoki and Katsura would watch them from the sidelines.

Even though Takasugi did not win any match against Gintoki, he still gained quite a reputation among the students as a "Dojo-challenger ". And here you were as a referee in this match.

Takasugi and Gintoki stood in front of each other, catching their breaths and in the next moment, Takasugi leaped in front of Gintoki. Then Takasugi fainted after being attacked by Gintoki.


Takasugi opened his eyes to find that he was lying on the mattress. He saw (Y/N) tending to his injuries while turning his head on the other side, he saw Shoyo-Sensei standing with his back towards Takasugi.

"Sensei, Takasugi woke up", (Y/N) said smiling at Takasugi. Takasugi blushed a little. "I will go and bring something for you to eat. You must be tired after the fight", (Y/N) said and went to bring something for Takasugi.

At the moment (Y/N) went outside the room, Sensei sat beside Takasugi.

"Goodness me, I've never heard of a dojo challenger attacking a temple school. Thank goodness, this is the extent of your injuries. "

"I actually wanted to fight you. I never thought I'd lose to him... "

"You are plenty strong. After all, you pushed, Gintoki that far, my little dojo challenger."

"But I lost.."

"You did. And that's why you will grow stronger. Victors only gain self-satisfaction and conceit, but you have gained something far more meaningful. There's nothing to be ashamed of..... Besides, that boy is a unique case. In order to live and survive, he was forced to grow stronger."

"Did you take him in, too?"

"Who knows? Did I take him in? Or did he take me in? I can't tell anymore."

"And what about the other one?"

"I don't know. That kid is a mystery."

Unbeknownst to Sensei and Takasugi, Gintoki, Katsura and (Y/N) were listening to their conversation. 'Really (Y/N) is mysterious.', Gintoki thought.
"What is the point in gathering kids of unknown births and backgrounds, and teaching them academics or swords? Do you really think they can become Samurai?"

Turning his head away from Takasugi, Sensei said, "Will they, I wonder?", then facing Takasugi, "I can't wait to find out myself."

"I am the one asking the questions here. "

Getting up, Sensei said, "I'd like to ask you something too.", standing up, Sensei turned his back towards Takasugi and asked, "What is a samurai. Would you tell me ?"


"Well... At the very least, I'm not the kind of Samurai you know. Do you think there are qualifications to become a Samurai? Do you believe that without a family to protect, or a lord to serve, one cannot become a Samurai?.... I don't think so. Bushido is the will to discipline one's weak self in order to reach one's stronger self. It refers to the act of devoting oneself to one's ideals... So, both they, who study diligently and try to become better human beings and you, who came here as a dojo challenger, to grow stronger, are already Samurai in my eyes. Even if your births and backgrounds are unknown and you don't have a master to serve or a sword to fight, " facing Takasugi and smiling, Sensei continued, "you can each flaunt your own brand of Bushido and become your own Samurai. Guiding as many of those Samurai as possible might just be my brand of Bushido. "

Gintoki was so engrossed in Sensei's words that he did not see Katsura standing near the fence of the school. Katsura was shocked a little to see Gintoki standing there and having been seen by Gintoki, Katsura went away.

"You ended up here, after losing your way, too, didn't you? I am the same. I'm still lost. But that's all right. Doubt yourself and lose your way and become the kind of Samurai you want to be."


The next day, Takasugi came again to fight Gintoki. You all were training while Gintoki was just standing there watching the training.

Seeing Takasugi, Gintoki said, "What's your problem? Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?"

"Fight me once more", Takasugi said.

After that as usual, you tended to his injuries. "Wait here, Takasugi. Let me bring you something to eat. ", you said smilingly and went to the kitchen. After some time, you came back from the kitchen to the room to find that Takasugi had gone already. Shoyo-Sensei suddenly appeared behind you. "Sensei, do you have some powers that make you invisible? How do you appear behind me without making any noise?", you asked Shoyo-Sensei.

"Well....... I might have."

"Sensei, would you please answer my question seriously!"

"Did the little dojo challenger came here again?"

"Sensei, why are you asking me that? You know it already don't you? Well anyway, Sensei would you like to eat these dango."

"Yeah sure.", Sensei said happily.


"Really, what is his problem? When would he stop challenging me?", you heard Gintoki saying that to himself.

"Gintoki, are you talking about Takasugi? Did he came here today?"

(Takasugi means "Too expensive", " Too high" or "Tall cedar". So, bye onto the story.)

"Who is high?"

"THE ONE WHO FIGHTS YOU HIS NAME IS! Well, nevermind, when did he come?", you knew it was useless to explain to Gintoki who rarely remembers anyone's name.

"He just went out", and without listening to another word of his, you went quickly as fast as or who knows quicker than Usain Bolt you took the first aid kit and something else too and ran outside, "after being defeated by me. Really, he definitely is strange."

You saw Takasugi walking in front of you. You quickened your already quick speed and stood before Takasugi. And You saw something you didn't quite expect to see, a terrified and shocked Takasugi. Well, obviously anyone would be scared if someone quickly stood in front of anyone. Well, you were very intelligent, so instead of laughing at Takasugi's amusing expression, you took that time to put band-aid on his injuries.

"H-How did you?", Takasugi began to say something until he was interrupted by you.

"I am so sorry, Takasugi. I didn't meant to scare you.", you said trying to suppress your laughter.

"Here", you said extending your hand so that Takasugi might get up by taking your hand. He just turned his head away and extended his hands which you took and carefully made him stand up. Then he shook your hands off and was about to go when Takasugi's stomach grumbled (a little as Takasugi would like to say).

You again in vain tried to suppress your laughter. Then without a word Takasugi went ahead on the road.
"Hey, wait, Takasugi", you said and he further increased his speed.

And so did you, and in no time you reached him while he was huffing after trying to get away from you and stopped. "What do you want?", he asked.

"You must be hungry, here, I have something you love to eat.", you said giving him ten Yakults.

"How did you know?"

You smiled and said, "Well, it's time for me to get back. Take care. Bye. ", and then you went back to the school running.

Seeing the Yakult you brought him, a smile cracked in his face and then drinking the Yakult he went ahead on the road.

'I would like to know that guy better', Takasugi thought thinking about you....

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