What if Deku became a villain

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Chapter 1

It was the last day of high school. And everyone talked about their plans where they going to go and what they want to become. At the end of the lessons Izuko was the last person in the classroom. Suddenly Katsuki stood for him. He took his notebook and used his explosion quirk on it. And he said:"So you still want to become a hero. You know, that would be impossible because you don't have a quirk. You would just stand there and watch what happen." "..Kaachan.." "Just go kill yourself!" Bakugou sreamed. With that he left the room. 'Just wait somwhow I'll get a quirk and then I'm stronger than you.' Deku thought while ge scaned his notebook. Then he left and went home. While he walked he remebered somehow what happend a few weeks ago.


Suddenly Deku heard an explosion, didn't thought long and ran in this direction. As he arrived there were Katsuki fighting against a villain. The heros which were there too. They just watched. Deku tried to help Katsuki but in the end All Might saved them both. And said to Deku he can't become a hero and shouldn't do something risky like this. Deku heart broke at this moment. The crowd started to laugh at him. As Deku arrived home he was so sad and his anger about heros started to grew. But then he remembered that he would be one if the next generation and he and the other will be better.

Flashback end

As he arrived home he opened the door and said :"Hey, mom I'm home now." He went in the kitchen. "Mom? Mom where are you?" Suddenly he saw her, her face was filled of fear. "Mom...?" "Izuko dear please go. Run as fast as you can away from here." she said anxiously. Izuko kneed down. "Mom what's going on? Please tell me." "Izuko do what your mother said, please!" his mother said. Izuko nodded, got up and ran outside. He grabbed his phone and called a hero. The hero arrived quickly. "You called me? What's going on?" the hero asked. "Yes, I did. And I don't really know my mom is in the house commpletly scared. Please I think something really really bad happend normaly she is very calmly." Deku said. The hero nodded and he and Deku went in. Then they saw a guy who held Inko as hostage. Deku was shocked that's why his mom begged him to go. "Izuko what are you doing here. I told you to-" she couldn't say more because the guy layed his knifeblade on her throat. "Don't move or she'll die." threated the guy. Deku saw shocked to the hero who moved a bit. The blade got in her throat a short scream and then silence. Deku's eyes filled up with tears and murder ran away. Deku fell on his knees hand in the face and cried. The hero didn't feel guilty and ran after the murder. Deku was commpletly lost now. No friends, no parents and no hero to belive in. In the evening he took after supper a walk. On his way someone grabbed him and and pulled him in a narrow street lane. Deku was a bit shocked but after what happened he did nothing against it he just said :"Who are you? If you want money a got nothing with me." "I'll tell you later who I am. And I don't want your money can we go to your home and talk there I hate to stand long." the man said. Deku just nodded. "Come I'll show you." As they arrived there. "Can I get you something? Water, Coffee, juice?" Deku asked. "Water is fine." the man said. "Are you living here alone?" "Since today." Deku said and went with two glasses of water to the tabel where the man was sitting. "Thank you. To your question befor I'm Tomura Shigaraki. You are Izuko Midorya, right?" Shigaraki asked. Deku was a bit confused but then answered. "Yes, I am. And You are a villain, right?" "Well one thing for sure. You are really clever. And yes I am a villain." Shigaraki answered. "So what do you wanted to talk about?" Deku asked calmly. "Well I have to ask something first." Shigaraki poused. "Well go ahead." "Do you hate heros?" Shigaraki asked. Deku smirked by that questions. "Yes, I do. They are responsible for the death of my mother. And she meant that they were the reason why dad left us." Shigaraki smirked by hearing that. "So do you wanna join the league of villains? And you know, we can give you a quirk as well." Deku smirk got wider. "I'm in!" he said. "Good take your best things and then we'll leave. And don't worry we have enough clothes there." Shigaraki said. Deku stand up and said :"Ok. I'll probably need 10 minutes." Shigaraki nodded. "I'll wait here." he just said and Deku left the room. He packed some pictures some books and other things. He got in his mothers room and also took somethings from there. Ten minutes later he re entered the room Shigaraki was. "Ok I'm ready." Shigaraki nodded. "Korogiri!" he shouted. Suddenly a portal appeared. "Alright lets go."  Deku didn't hesitate and went through the  portal.

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