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9 months later

3 months after that day, Barry was taken to STAR Labs by Doctor Harrison Wells after getting consent from Iris and Joe.

Cheyanne refused to talk about anything related to Barry, as the thought of Iris and Joe losing Barry brought back unwanted memories. 

Nobody from Beacon Hills has tried to call her again, which was good because Cheyanne wanted to concentrate on saving to get her own place. Iris and Cheyanne crossed paths at work, and then Iris went to see Barry at STAR Labs. 

3 months after that, Cheyanne had finally gotten enough for a one bedroom apartment. She moved out of the hotel and got settled in as she was getting a call from Argent. She picked up the phone and hesitated before speaking.



She took a deep breath. "It's been awhile."

"It has."

"You're alone, right. Scott and the others aren't tracking me down?"

Chris chuckled which made her heart flutter. "No. I made sure I wasn't followed."


"So, tell me."

She knew what he meant and so she told him everything. From the hotel, to Barry, Iris and Joe, to the nights of the full moon, her heat.


"Thank you for the advice. I needed that."

"You should keep Iris and Barry around. They sound like they could be good friends."

Her mind went to Barry, who she had no idea if he was awake.


Later that day, after much pacing around, she decided to head out and pay Barry a visit. At work, she's heard Iris mention the name STAR Labs a lot, so that's where she went. She opened the door and headed up the stairs after shifting into a cat. Barry's scent was really strong, so she followed it to a room with a lot of equipment. Poker Face by Lady Gaga was playing as two young people were checking up on Barry.

Barry was on the bed in the middle of the room and Cheyanne walked over to them and glanced up at the two people. One was a guy with long black hair who had a Twizzler in his hand, and the other was a woman who had long brown hair. 


The guy jumped which made the woman jump also.

"Where did the cat come from?"

"I don't know."

Cheyanne walked around the bed, hoping for a way to get up when she felt something grab her. She hissed and jumped out of their grasp and ran into the other room just as Barry woke up and gasped

"Oh, my God!"

"Where am I?"

"He's up."

"Dr. Wells," The guy spoke into a phone, "get down to the Cortex, like, right now."

The woman had a flashlight and was checking up on him. "BPM 170 over 110. Pulse 120, pupils equally reactive to light. Look at me, look at me."

"Hey, hey, whoa, whoa. Relax. Everything's okay, man."

Barry got up and they helped him but he was still confused. 

"You're at STAR Labs."

Barry glanced at the guy as the woman continued to check up on him. "STAR Labs? Who are you?"

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