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Barry was able to take down Danton Black, and then witnessed Black killing himself. Then the next night, he and Iris went out to watch a sci-fi movie with Cheyanne.

"Regular movie scale, that was 7 or an 8. Zombie movie scale, it was a 4, tops."

"There's a zombie movie scale?"

Cheyanne glanced at Barry. "I know you're making that up."

Barry gave her a shrug and a smile. "I'm not, but did you know that zombies exist in nature? There's a species of fungi that infects ants-"

"-which causes the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts." Cheyanne had continued Barry's science fact and then glanced at Iris. "Sorry, are we sounding like nerds right now?"

Barry nodded. "I think we are."

"Yep. But it's okay though because he's the cutest nerd I know."

Cheyanne didn't say anything, and neither did Barry, which made Iris continue.

"Anyways, I'm a lot more interested in the amazing as of late."

Barry glanced at Iris. "You mean cause of this "streak" thing?"

"He's out there. People are talking about him."

"How do you even know he's a he? Maybe it's a she."

Cheyanne mentally rolled her eyes as she knew Barry was trying to get Iris off of this.

"It's a man, okay? You know I'm really intuitive about this kind of stuff. Someone even posted a picture after being yanked from a car accident."

Iris pulled out her phone and held it out for them to see, wanting them to believe her, but all they saw was Eddie calling her. Iris answered the call, as she was staying at Eddie's that night, and Barry got a call from Cisco, which Cheyanne used her hearing to listen in. 


"Code 237 on Wade Boulevard."

"Public indecency?"

"Wait, I think I meant a 239."

"Dog leash violation?"

"Bad man with a gun in a getaway car. Go!"

Barry glanced at Iris, who was still talking with Eddie, and then at Cheyanne. 

"Is everything okay?"

"I have to go."

"Hero stuff?"

Barry nodded and Cheyanne placed a hand on his arm. "Be careful. I'll cover for you just in case."

"Thank you."

Barry sped off and placed the bad guy in the cop car with the handcuffs on him and got back just seconds before Iris turned back to them. 

"Eddie says hi."

"That's nice."

"You guys want to grab a bite? I'm feeling a bit famished."

"After the Mongolian barbecue we had before the movie and the extra large popcorn you had at the movie? How are you not fat?"

Barry shrugged as Cheyanne realized that Iris didn't know of Barry's powers. 

"I've been jogging."

"Oh, okay."

The three of them headed down the sidewalk to the Mongolian barbecue that Barry wanted to eat at. Barry sat next to Iris and Cheyanne sat across from them. When Barry ordered more than a regular human does, Cheyanne grabbed and extra fork and ate off of his plates, while Iris gaped at the amount of food. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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