Love at First Sight

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People fall in love alright!!! But, with the face... the body... and maybe the attitude. But personality? People falling in love with personality?

THAT'S HARD! Almost impossible. And that's why I don't believe in love at first sight.

At 1st sight, all you can see is the other person's outer appearance. All you can see is what they want you to see. Most probably, its lust at first sight. I am not saying that that's bad. There are plenty of "no strings attached" & "friends with benefits" relationships going around the world & I am no authority to criticize their lifestyle choices.

Most of my optimistic readers would argue that this lust can turn into love. Sure it can. Not at 1st sight though, only gradually. You can fall in love with a person, with their personality, the 'real' them. But at 1st sight? Like in all those movies and books?

When he gives you a hand to pull you up? When, you see her flip her hair? When you see her giving sweets to a kid?? Even seeing him goofing around with his friends??

Naah... all that is just fiction. In real life, if this does happen, I believe it's gonna be lust, not love.

(except maybe the sort of love in that pic to the side)

Who's with me?

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