FALL -Poem

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This was written on a music frenzy night. A lot of familiar lines in between possibly (oops) 

Fallen so hard, so fast like a dime.

How could I not know all this time?

My dreams which you trace,

My heart always race.

The silence in your lips.

My eyes in emotion dips.

The sorrow filling my heart.

Without you, it's just too hard.

Your heart that rules my brain,

Your words driving me insane.

Your smile that can light up a town,

Bringing joy in my eyes, even if I feel down.

I feel your voice & I start to tremble

Every time you look, why does my heart mumble?

That we are just comrades

In heaven, we believe it's made.

This way we'll stay forever

Are we, after all, to be together?

Oh how I lived with all these expectations

I just don't need more hesitations.

You've surrendered my heart & soul

There's a fire in my mind like coal,

But I can't fight it anymore,

It's changing me from my core.

I'm losing all track of time

Oh, my life used to rhyme,

In your name, all day & night.

Your hand in mine, it fits just right.

& when I wanna hold you near

How will I let go, I fear...

I don't know-how

I can do without you now.

Slowly drifting through life, it seems

I can't get you out of my dreams.

Cuz it touches just one time, I feel it

& it lasts for a lifetime, believe it.

Oh what did I say, what did you do?

How did I fall for you?

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