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There's something mystical, magical about it.

Books and movies have long since led us into new worlds of our own making. But, songs manage to do that in just a few minutes.

They show us a world of joy, of pain; of life & of death.

Each line, each chord strikes the heart of each listener uniquely. Some songs that don't even need lines to touch our hearts. In a few minutes & a few repeated lines, the artists spin a story for us.

No matter what genre of music you like, there's always an underlying message that they convey to us.

Songs have managed to lift my spirits, clear my thoughts or join me in my pain & be my solace. It has silenced the shouts around me and the screams inside me. And in today's world, where your voice is swallowed up by the billions, their words are heard. Their emotions let bare. Their thoughts are shared & lives touched.

Every time I hear a song, I think, this artist could be dead, this composer could've quit music, but they live on, in me. In this song. This is still left like a thorn piercing my heart.

And I believe, that is the greatest honor bestowed on all true artists (singers and otherwise). No matter how much time passes, your work lives on. It lives on touch others' hearts, to inspire them. To uplift them. To give them hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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