An Evening Walk (~ George Harrison)

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The sky was all dark and the moon was shyly hiding behind some thick and threatening grey clouds when George and Anna walked out of the pub. Their stomach was full after they ate delicious and greasy fish and chips, and obviously drank some pints of beer. Their cheeks felt warm, since the alcohol make them go a bit euphoric, though a strong December wind was blowing that night; actually, they did not even care about that detail, as they were too busy chatting about music.

Music had always been their favourite topic. George was a famous and successful guitarist, occasionally singing in his band, The Beatles. Their fourth album, Beatles For Sale, had been released two weeks earlier, which caused nights and nights of partying and promotional evenings. At last, George had some time for himself, and one afternoon, feeling lonely in the flat he shared with his bandmates, he decided to call his friend Anna, realising they had not had the occasion to spend some time together for ages.

They had met one year before in a pub, to which he had gone alone, right after his girlfriend broke up with him. At that moment, he did not feel like going home, knowing that all he would do there was crawl to bed and cry his heart out. He had sat at a free table, far from all the other ones, in a corner between two windows. While he drank the big pint of beer he ordered, Anna spotted him, while she was talking with friends. At first, she did not recognise him at all; actually, she did not have a good memory for faces. Hating when people were alone looking down in the dumps, she went up to him and asked him if he wanted to join her group of friends. But he refused, still appreciating her invitation. A bit curious, she asked him why he had this gloomy expression, and he told her about what happened, as she sat in front of him, forgetting she was not alone.

That was how they became friends. Since then, they always got on well together, and she went to some Beatles concerts to encourage him and the band too, though she did not really know the other members. But she was sure that Paul did not like her much.

The heels of their shoes were hitting the cold and wet pavement, creating a pleasant sound they never imagined they would enjoy. George had his hands buried in his pockets, while Anna had nothing to put hers in; she was wearing a dress without pockets, and her coat had none either. They headed to a random direction, the only they actually knew. George's right shoulder was almost touching the walls as they walked in the cold night. Anna's eyes were staring at him as they talked about music again.

“Come on, don't tell me you don't like Carl Perkins!” George teased her. “This man is basically one of the best musicians of all time, that's undeniable!”

“I didn't say I didn't like him, it's just that I know only three songs by him!”

Blue Suede Shoes, obviously.”

“You're right, and then, Honey Don't and Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, thanks to the one and only George Harrison!”

“I know, I know...”

“I heard your version of Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby on the album, by the way. It's absolutely awesome, I prefer this one to the original. Not because you're my friend, but because your voice is incredible on that one.”

“Wait, you bought the record?”

“Of course, what did you think? I had to buy it! I didn't got stuck in a huge queue for nothing, I got my copy!”

“Well, well...”

Anna grinned and abruptly wrapped her arms around George's, resting her head on his shoulder while jumping like a crazy girl. Then, she started to speak in a high-pitched voice which almost did not sound like hers at all.

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