A New Friend (~ Roger Taylor)

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Aria heavily sat on the bench next to Julie, heaving a long sigh. She pressed her back against the wall, wiping her sweaty forehead with the towel she had been given at the front desk of the yoga club. Never had she thought she would ever follow Julie to a yoga club.

Since Aria and Julie both were young mothers with one-year-old child each, they both had to bear a lot of pressure everyday. That was why Julie went to yoga lessons once a week, letting her boyfriend take care of Floyd, their son. She managed to convince Aria to go to a class with her, for the latter was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Aria left her daughter Janine with her bestfriend at home, while she was gone, trying to relax.

It was the end of the lesson, and Aria felt like her articulations were blocked, as they all were painful. She believed Julie when she said yoga would help her relax, but she wanted her money back because of misleading publicity.

Julie drank water from her bottle and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She cleared her throat and turned to Aria. “So, what did you think of it?”

“I'll never come back here. I'm everything but relaxed. It hurts everywhere.”

“That's because you're not used to it yet. I assure you that if you practice a little, the pain will go away. Are you sure you breathed properly?”

“I breathed normally.”

Julie chuckled, feeling that Aria definitely was not interested in yoga. The two friends got up and walked to the changing rooms, getting back into their normal clothes together in the same booth. While they were putting on their shoes, Aria turned to Julie and asked: “By the way, are you taking the bus to go back home?”

“Not this time,” Julie replied. “My brother is picking me up later. The thing is, he doesn't know where the club is, and he might be late, because he's with his friends.”

“How are you going to meet him, then?”

“We'll meet at a café nearby. Would you like to come with me? My brother would be pleased to meet you.”

“I don't want a guy to hit on me, you see, I've had enough with men.”

“He's engaged, Aria, don't worry. And he's the most faithful man I've ever known. You're safe,” she winked.

“Well, in that case, why not? I won't stay for a long time, though, Janine still is at home with Mariah. I can't wait to see my baby.”

“I understand, don't worry. I want to see Floyd, too.”

The girls smiled at each other and gathered their clothes they put in their bags. They took the towels they were given at the front desk, and left the booth, walking up to the exit. They left the wet towels inside a basket, and went out of the club, saying goodbye to the lady who welcomed the customers.

The sweet air stroked their red cheeks, and their eyes were surprised to see a sunny sky, whereas it was all cloudy when they entered the building earlier. The streets were full of people, and not many of them were wearing coats. Indeed, the temperature was warm enough to wear only t-shirts.

Julie linked arms with Aria and walked her to the café where she had to meet her brother. The soles of their shoes hit the pavement and made this sound that was so delightful to the ears; Aria was focusing on it, and was slightly smiling. She was looking at her own shoes, noticing a few stains she had not spotted before, and promised herself she would clean them once she would be home. A few minutes after, she looked up and caught glimpse of the front window of a modern café, Modeky. The two friends walked the front door and were welcomed by a widely smiling maid.

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