Chapter 1

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It's has been roughly about ten years since that day. Rumors about what happened spread like fire throughout the land about a boy with wings that mercilessly killed soldiers without remorse. Most people didn't believe the story however some people believe it. Some people even claimed to see the boy fly off from the castle. One group in particular, Night Raid, was very curious about this.

Night Raid is a covert division within the Revolutionary Army that plans to over throw the Empire. The main focus of them is reconnaissance and assassinations within the capital of The Empire. The assassinations are opened to the public  to assassinate anyone they wish to kill. However it takes time to do so since they have to look into the target and the client to make sure it's legit and not a trap. They have taken care if plenty of assassinations in the past however there are some contracts that they had taken were already done even before they got to the target.

One night they had a target that was supposedly offers people money to help them only to have them pay triple the amount back and have it pay back within a week. Should they no be able to pay, they were taken to his house and torture to death as women were raped.

Night Raid consistently of Akame, Leone, Bault, Lubbock, Sheele and Mine arrived at the man's mansion at night ready to carry out the mission as they were hiding in the trees nearby.

Lubbock: So that's the targets house?

Bault: Yeah that's the place.

Sheele: How should we proceed?

Leone: Just have to go in nice and quiet. Apparently he never used a sword, so it'll be easy. Said smiling.

Mine: So what. The sooner we get this done the better.

As they waited Akame say something move in one of the rooms that cought her eye.

Bault: Akame you saw something?

Akame nodded as she pointed to one of the windows. The group looked to where she was pointing as they saw a red light zoom passed.

Lubbock: What was that?

Sheele: A gem?

Leone sniffed the air and noticed that there was blood in the air and lots of it.

Leone: Something is in the house.

Mine: What?

Akame jumped down as she ran towards the mansion followed by the rest of the group. They slowly entered the house as they kept there guard up as they had there Imperial Arm ready. The first thing they noticed that when they entered, the walls were all slashed along with corpses of  soldiers. Each of the bodies were slashed in half with there intestines spilling out if there bodies while some of them were in the mouths of others.

Mine: The.....hell happened here.

Sheele: Who did this? Said covering her mouth with her hand.

Lubbock: Looks like a damn animal did this.

Bault: These soldiers looks as though they were slaughtered.

They continued to slowly walk through the mansion trying to find who did this. Each hallway that walked had soldiers killed in the same way as the ones they found at the entrence. Intestines spilled out, eyes gone, heads crushed, throats ripped out even some of the soldiers balls were ripped off of them. 

Leone: Jeez just what kind of person does this.

Suddenly they heard screaming coming from outside. They looked out the window to see that it was the target who was running away from something.

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