Chapter 6

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Morning came as Y/N and the others started to gather their things before continuing the trip to the Capital.

Aichi: You got everything Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: Yeah. Said smiling. I'm all set.

Aichi smiled as she looked to see that Y/n wasn't around.

Aichi: Jeez where did that idiot went to?

Y/N landed behind them with a thud scaring them a bit.

Y/N: I was at the top of the tree fox. You two ready?

Raphtalia: Yes we're ready.

Y/N: Good. Now let's move. Said as he walked past them. I hate taking our time to get to a place. The sooner we get their the better.

Aichi and Raphtalia quickly followed him not wanting to be left behind. The first part of the journey was uneventful as nothing too exciting happened. Despite this, Aichi and Raphtalia talked between them to pass the time while Y/N stayed quiet as he looked ahead. Ranus decide to speak with Y/N in his mind to see what he was thinking.

Ranus: Still thinking about the past?

Y/N didn't respond to him which means that he was right.

Ranus: There was nothing you could've done back then.

Y/N: I know. It's pathetic that I couldn't do anything right. Should've you done something to prevent that from happening?

Ranus: I couldn't at the time. It was only after what happened I was able to awaken again.

Y/N didn't say anything as he growled in anger silently.

Y/N: At the time? You were supposed to be our guardian, yet you let them all die!!!!

Ranus: Don't you dare talk to me after what I did for you!!! I saved your life that day and gave you those powers!! Should you continue to act like this, I can take those powers away!!

Y/N anger grew more as he stopped while he slammed his foot down shattering the ground which for Aichi and Raphtalia's attention.

Ranus: I saved you because you still prayed to me even what you were going through. If I wanted you, I could've ignored your pleas of help and left you to die but I didn't.

Y/N gritted his teeth in anger as he clenched his fist tightly almost drawing blood.

Ranus: Just remember that should you continue to act like how you are, I will take your powers away.

Y/N was utterly fuming which Aichi noticed causing her to worry about him as Raphtalia was also worried. Luckily after a few moments, Y/N was able to calm himself before walking again with the girls following him

Y/N: I know. I still owe you a great deal for that.

Ranus smiled hearing this.

Ranus: Despite your anger, you can still be a rather polite boy. Just how you were back as a kid.

Y/N: Shut up. I don't want to hear it coming from an old rotting scale.

Ranus chuckled hearing this as he ended the conversation with him. Aichi walked up Y/N with a smile as she looked at him.

Aichi: Having another father-son fighting session?

Y/N: Shut up fox.

Aichi: Hehe I knew it.

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