Chapter 5

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It's bee roughly about two days after leaving the village as the three of them slowly started to make there way to the Capital in hopes of finding a way to find Night Raid. Thought with Y/N's luck, they will be able to meet them relatively soon once they get to the Capital. As they started there journey to the Capital, Aichi used some of her power to change her appearance so she can hid her identity. Her hair was rather short about to her shoulders and the color changed to a brown color.

Raphtalia: Why did you change your hair Aichi?

Aichi: Well I tend to do this from time to time to stay hidden with my appearance. We don't like drawing attention to us.

Raphtalia: I see.

As they walked, Raphtalia looked at Y/N who was a couple of feet ahead of them not saying anything.

Raphtalia: Does he do something like what you do? Changing appearance I mean.

Aichi: Well not that I know. Said as she placed her finger on her chin in a thinking manner. Normally he wears his armor whenever we have to assassinate someone, so i think he's fine.

Raphtalia: He wears armor? What is it like? Said in a curious manner.

Aichi: Well if I had to describe it with one word, I think I would say.......amazing? Though I'm not sure if that would be the best one. Terrifying?

Raphtalia: Terrifying? Said slightly scared.

Aichi: Oh well only to our enemy and those who are evil. Said smiling.

Raphtalia: I see.

Aichi and Raphtalia started to talk to get to know one another. Y/N glanced back at them seeing how happy they were as he thought to himself. 

Y/N: Jeez they're so annoying. I knew hearing that fox voice was annoying but now I got the damn racoon girl now. Why can't they just shut up. It's annoying.

Ranus: Well Aichi hasn't had the chance to talk to someone other then you. Seeing how you're rather rude to her sometimes.

Y/N: She didn't have to stay with me when I saved her sorry ass. It was her choice to follow us. IF she doesn't like how I talk to her, then she can just leave.

Ranus: Well she chose to stay with you after what you did. If it wasn't for you, she would've died along with the rest of her village.

Y/N stayed quiet as he clenched his fist tightly.

Y/N: All the more reason that I wanna burn all of those nobles and the Emperor alive. Watching their skin melt of their bones as they scream out in pain.

He imagined seeing the nobles and the Emperor on fire screaming out in pain along with their skin melting off. Just imagining the sight made him grin evilly as he could also hear their scream that were like music to his ears.

Ranus: Joining Night Raid is what you agreed to do. If you think you can do what your thinking then you will have to think again.

Y/N: Tch whatever. As long as I can make them suffer I don't care what happens.

Ranus: Just remember, you will have to talk to her and her group since you will be working with them.

Y/N grunted hearing this in annoyance. They continued to walk as they continued to make their way to the Capital. As they walked, they saw the scenery which had several open fields, and a few mountains in the distance. Occasionally there would be birds flying over head chirping as they flew by.

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