Chapter 4 - dizzy

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It's been a couple of weeks since our trip and we're all back in school. It's Wednesday right now and I haven't been feeling that good.

My head keeps feeling foggy and I keep seeing flashes of that dream. I haven't told Karma about it but I'm staying over his this weekend so... we'll probably end up doing it again.

School was boring and I haven't been able to keep food down for more than 24 hours. So I've started eating lighter meals.

It's PE at the moment and I'm paired up with Karma. I feel really foggy but I don't know why. My reaction speed is a lot slower so I'm barely keeping up with Karmas speed at the moment.

I gulped and Karma ran at me, I felt a dizzy spell come on and collapsed to the floor just missing Karmas punch.

I laid on the floor and Karma crouched down worried picking me up in his arms.

"Nagisa, nagisa!" He called. I just stared at him, my ability to speak completely gone.

"What happened?" Asked Karasuma coming over.

"I don't know he just collapsed." Karma said panicked. At stared at the two as their faces went in and out of focus.


"Princess! Princess!" I opened my eyes and sat up looking around that same cottage bed room.

"You're awake!" Cried Itona jumping at me. I chuckled as the six elves all joined in hugging me.

'I must have passed out.' I thought remembering the dizzy feeling.

"Are you okay now?" Sugaya asked me with a worried face.

"I think so." I said nervously. They got off me and wondered out the room and someone else came in.

"How are you feeling now?" Karma asked me. I smiled at him and he sat on the edge of the beds.

"I feel better." I chuckled hugging him tightly. He looked into my eyes and I blushed kissing him sweetly.

"Don't scare me like that again." He said holding me closer to him. I gulped and looked up at him. "Something wrong?"

"What happened? To me I mean."

"You died... but it's fine! I helped! See you're fine now." He smiled stroking my hair.

"... I'm still a little sleepy." I said looking away.

"Oh? Ok then." He got up and I grabbed his wrist.

"W-where are you going? Lay with me." I blushed looking at the bed sheets.

"Sure." He chuckled and crawled in next to me. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes...

'So I died?'


"Nagisa! Nagisa!" I groaned and opened my eyes. Seeing a blurry yellow figure to my side and more blurry people around us.

"Oh thank goodness!" Koro sensei sighed looking down and covering his face with his tentacles.

"W-What happened?" I asked sitting up slowly.

"You passed out, we where worried we'd have to call you an ambulance but Koro-sensei used his tentacles to wake you up." Isogai explained.

"Oh thank you." I said sitting up properly and crossing my legs.

"Well, you gave us all quite a scare." Chuckled Maehara sitting next to me.

I walked with Karma holding his hand on my way home and couldn't help wonder back to earlier on.

"You seem more pale than usual." Karma commented kissing my forehead.

"Oh, I'm just finding it hard to sleep is all." I smiled nervously as we continued to walk.

"If it's issues at home again you can always talk to me about it... is your dad back in town?"

"No! It's nothing like that. I'm just seeing shadows in my room and stuff like that."

"What kind of shadows?" He asked stopping and looking at me.

"Like people with glowing eyes and horns... I had a nightmare about a person that was like a sack man and he had two mouths." I sighed and looked up at Karma.

"If you see them again call me straight away!" He said grabbing my arm.

"Huh? Ok, but it's only shadows." I said shocked at his reaction.

That night I called him because I saw the shadows and for the rest of the week they haven't come back... where they... real?

Our weird love- Sequel {Demons spell}Where stories live. Discover now