Chapter 8 - reveal

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I sat in class writing down note with a blank expression on my face. Karma rarely shows up to class now, not that I care. Koro sensei said he's worried about me but I'm fine.

"Nagisa, you seem a little more... hollow without Karma." Rio commented.

"Thanks." I said picking at my lunch.

"Cant you see that you miss him?" Kayano asked.

"Why do you two care so-" I covered my mouth and stood up.

"Are you okay?" Kayano asked.

I turned and ran out the class. I pushed past Maehara getting into the toilet before him and threw up. He panicked a little then called for Koro sensei. My mum picked me and took me home and made me take a hot bath.

"Nagisa," She called knocking on the door.

"Yes mother?"

"I need to pop to the office, Mekenzie is next door if you need anything. Or call me." She said.

"I'll be fine mum."

She left and I heard the front door lock. I sighed sinking into the water a little bit then getting out. I put on my new cotton pyjamas and sat on my bed drying my hair. I looked at the mirror opposite my bed and saw my reflection jumping at myself, my dull eyes, ghostly pale skin and dark circles... I didn't realise I looked this bad.

I sighed and heard my phone buzzing, I answered the phone without checking the caller ID, still drying my hair with the other hand.

"Hello?" I answered, hearing the blank tone in my voice.

"Nagisa... is that you?" The voice was faint but scared.

"Karma, what do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Can I come over, we need to talk." He asked the sound of something buzzing.

"You're already here aren't you." I said unamused.

"Please let me in." He said, a light knock coming from my front door.

"You irritate me so." I huffed hanging up and getting up. I opened the door and he hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, please let me talk to you." He was trembling...

"Come in, mums out so we can sit on the couch." I said letting him in.

He took his shoes off and walked to the couch.

"What do you want?" I asked sitting down.

"You seem a lot healthier, your cough and temperature are gone now." He commented.

"Yeah, why are you here?" I said blank.

"I wanted to apologise for not taking to you for so long... it felt so weird and lonely but I didn't know what to say to you." He said looking down.

"Is that all? Cause if it is you can just leave. I dont have time for this, I need to go to sleep." I huffed. He grabbed my wrist as I tried to leave and glared at me.

"Dont just walk away from me! You smell like blood." He commented.

"I dont know what you're on about." I growled shaking his hand off me.

"Dont lie to me!"  He yelled pinning me to the wall, he sniffed me like a wild dog, his crimson eyes staring into mine. "You know you're times almost up, so you've given up... just like last time..."

"Karma... what are you..." I asked placing my hand on his cheek.

"I'm a monster, that cursed you many years ago... and no matter what I do you never survive..." he said, the fangs in his mouth glistening his pain.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm not human! I'm a demon that fell in love with you and cursed you." I said, teaes slipping out of his eyes that same black fog around his hair.

He dropped to his knees and I saw his black horns, curled around in a circle, his tail low. But i wasnt afraid... i knew he wouldn't hurt me, more like he couldn't...

"You didn't curse me." I said petting his hair. "I've always looked up to you, you where the hero I strived to be." I smiled. He looked up at me and his face... it was the same as the demon from my dream... I smiled gently at him and stroked his horns.

"I'm the reason you're so weak... if i hadn't loved you... you would have lived a normal healthy life." He said standing up.

"If you didn't love me... I wouldn't be me." I said holding his hands. He held em tightly in his embrace and held him back. "So you're a real demon." I asked looking up at him.

"Yes... does that scare you?" He asked worried, looking down at me.

"No. I'm glad." I said kissing him.


"Only a demon could do some of the pranks you do." I sighed making him laugh.

"I'm sorry." He said playing with my hair.

"Dont be." I smiled. "As long as its us to the end, you can curse me as ,any times as you want." He smiled me and kissed me sweetly. I felt like he was curing me.

"Sorry, I dont want to overdose you."


"A demon has healing powers so everytime we kiss and I'm in this form I risk you passing out from it." He said.

"Let's go to bed... dont rip my pillows." I growled looking at his horns.

"I wont, demons dont sleep, we get energy from the ones we love."

"Then I'll sleep extra long for both of us." I smiled.

"Sure sure, lazy bones," he chuckled kissing my head. "Just sleep."

I laid in bed with him and cuddled up close, holding him tightly. I dont want to let go... ever again.

Our weird love- Sequel {Demons spell}Where stories live. Discover now