Part 1

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The bell rang signalling the start of the school year. Tony ran towards the school gates, expecting to be late- but he was greeted by his friends at the school gate waiting for him - Tony was always late.

Bruce was standing closest to the genius as he ran towards him. He was standing next to Natasha who was feared in the school due to her abilities to read expressions. She was talking to her best friend- Clint. Behind them stood Thor and his younger brother Loki- who was the best and most respected prankster in the school. Steve was leaning against the wall of the school besides them. He was talking to his best friend Bucky- who was quiet an insecure about his prosthetic arm. He was comfortable around Steve and his friends and was more like himself around them. Steve had known him since they were baby's- even before Bucky's accident that caused him to lose his left arm.

Tony slowed down when he approached them. Bruce looked at his best friend an sighed. One day Tony was going to do something stupid and his friends wouldn't be there to help him

"thanks for waiting Guys." Tony said, linking his arm with Bruce's .It was a jester that was not appreciated by Bruce, but he didn't say anything as she didn't want to hurt his friends feelings.

They walked to their form room together, where they were handed their time tables. The y were in most of the same classes together, which was partly due to the Starks generous donation at the end of last year.

The day went slowly. Their first lesson was Maths, where they were in the same class except Thor, Steve and obviously Loki, who was 2 years younger.

Then they had Art, where they were all together. This was Steve's favourite class, because it was were he excelled.

Then they had lunch.

"Wow, Steve how are you so good at Art?" Clint asked as they walked to the lunch hall.

He laughed at his fiends question. "I dint know Clint."

"someone's jealous." Bruce said as Clint pouted.

"What, I'm not jealous, I just don't understand how someone could be so good at it. I mean, it brilliant."

"there is a lot of simple things you don't understand Clint, " Tony joked as he was slapped o the back by Thor who laughed at his joke. He was nearly nocked to the floor.

"thanks Clint." Steve draped an arm around Clint's shoulders. At this Tony's heart slowed. He looked away not wanting to look at it anymore. They found their normal table and sat down. Tony bought the lunch for everyone- he pulled the sandwiches, drinks and snacks out of his bag and passed them around for everyone. He always done this- spoiling his friends to free lunch and dinner.

They sat and ate the food, while laughing at Clint's dumb comments and Tony remarks. They were talking about their holiday over the summer and were all listening to each other's story's. The bell rang ending their conversation.

last they all had science. Which was both tony and Bruce's favourite lesson. They sat in the class room and listened to the teacher. He set a project, that was o be done in a group of 6- they got to choose their partners. And they obviously all went together, they were allowed a group of 7 to include Bucky, as there was always leave way when Stark was concerned.

Then, like every other day, they met outside the school and made their way to Tony's house. If they didn't go to Tony's house them they would go to Clint's family farm house or Steve's.

They arrived at the Stark mansion. It was always a sight for eyes, and stood proud in the street. They all made their way inside, dumped their bags in the hall way and wen straight upstairs to Tony's bedroom. They needed to start their Science project.

Stony: high school auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ