Part 6

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They made their way to their first class. Tony was sitting next to Steve in their literature class. He want taking much notice of anything the teacher was saying- he knew it all already. He spent most of his time glancing at Steve' never failed to amuse him, the faces he would pull when he didn't understand something, or when his face would light up when he did get something, or how he stuck out his tongue when he was taking notes. Dame that boy was beautiful. And he was making Tony nervous, and high wasn't like Tony at all.

He had to tell him. There must have been a reason for steve to kiss him back, maybe, just maybe he felt the same. He couldn't wait any more, he had to know.!

Tony turned and tapped Steve on the shoulder to get his attention.
When he looked at him he blushed slightly but carried on regardless.

" hey steve do you want to come round my house tonight? Just us I need to talk to you."

Now steve blushed. " okay, yeah sure tony see you then."
He quickly turned away to avoid Tony seeing his red face- it didn't work and it only added fuel to starks fire.

The day went slowly. The suspense for the night ahead made Tony feel sick at the thought of it. He needed to get this off his chest- so he spoke to Bruce his best friend who he could trust with his life.

Bruce was busy talking to Natasha at lunch when Tony saw him. They were smiling and laughing but that was short lived when Tony excused Bruce from the conversation and dragged him away- it was something all of his friends were used to. If stark wanted someone they were dragged away.

" Bruce I need to tell you something. It's important and you must promise to never tell a soul," he whispered ergantly.

" I promise what is it?"

" you know the other night when everyone was round, yeah well I couldn't sleep so I may have drank a bit...."

" Tony! We've talked about this.."

" yeah I know but that's not important right now. Yeah so anyway, I had something to drink and Steve was awake as well, he must have gone into the living room and had fallen asleep on the sofa, because I didn't realise at the tie and fell in the sofa, and landed straight in top of Steve. I erm, I was drunk but I knew exactly what I was doing when I.. when I kissed him."
Tony looked up at his friend who was first shocked then amazed them proud.

" wow, wait you kissed Steve?! What the hell happened? Everything seemed fine i the morning,"

" yeah well he kissed back. But I woke up on The living room floor with a Hang over and couldn't remember anything. Any way I asked him to meet me after school today to talk about it. Oh nice I really like him but what if he doesn't like me back??" He asked pain evident in his eyes.

" Tony, he kissed you back, he must like you, why else do it? Have more confidence in yourself man, you are never going to do anything if he over think everything. Just talk to one and tell him the truth- nothing can go wrong."

"Thanks Bruce, " he smiled at his friend and he shot a quick glance over to nat hoping for it to be missed by the genius.

" so... you and Nat?"

" w what? Me and nat? What about us?"

" well you seem happy around her, and she is smiling. She never smiles unless someone falls over. Oh come on you obviously like her and you do to. You know what you should take your own advice buddy and tell her how you feel. If your so confident it will work for me and Steve it will work for you and romanoff. Good luck banner."

Stony: high school auWhere stories live. Discover now