Part 9

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"okay, does every one know the plan." Bucky looked around at the others and they all nodded.

Bruce would convince tony to host a party, and Bucky would force Steve to go. Nat would suggest a game of truth or dare, and the group will go upstairs to play. Clint would ask tony if he had a crush on Steve- he would be forced to confess his undying love for him, and they would live happily ever after.... or so they planed.


"Tony?" Bruce walked into Tonys lab,

"Brucie! How can I help ya buddy."

"well, I was thinking of a party..."

"yes! so was I. Friday night. My parents are away again, so... yeah, invite everyone. I need this." he whispered to himself- but Bruce heard it any way.

"okay, thanks Tony," well, that was a lot easier than he had planned. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted the group. the plan was a go!


mean while:

"Steve! Steve!"

"Bucky stop shouting." Steve appeared behind Bucky in the training room.

"what do you want?"

"well, we haven't been out in a while, and well, Tony is hosting a party on Friday and thought it would be good idea for us to go. "


"oh Steve please!" Bucky whined.

"You're not going to leave me along until I say yes aare you?"



"wait, really?"

"yes, now leave me alone."

"yep, see you then" Bucky left with a grin on his face. the second aprt of the plan was under way, ll they needed to do now was to wait until Friday...


For the gang Friday took forever to get there, but to Tony and Steve, it was there to quick. Tony was having second thoughts about the party. What if Steve comes?

Steve was regretting agreeing to go with Bucky to the party. He new his friend well, he must be planning something- or he needed a wing man when he spoke to Sam. That's what he hope it was.


Tony's prov

I greeted strangers as they walked into my house. the only people I knew where Bruce, Thor, Loki, Nat and Clint. The house was soon fall and to my surprise Steve wasn't here. But I must say I am not too disappointed. I went into the kitchen and grabbed yet another drink. I must say theses people here tonight do drink a far amount, but I still don't think my father would notice. His collection is far too great to notice half a douzon glasses.

I was aproaced by many gausts, dancing with a few, laughing and joking, flirting- Steve had almost completely left my mind. I approached Bruce sitting nervously on my living room sofa,

"Brucie, you seem nervous, I thought you would be enjoying the party seeing as you were the one who was so desperate for me to hold one."

"oh, what, oh yeah, I was just expecting more people.."

"more people? if anymore people came the house will be fall, and then it will get messy. Why, ae you expecting someone?"

"no, well yes, erm, not exacually."

"Bruce, you're drunk." I slurred and sat down besides him.

"okay, whatever tony, just don't drink too much, there may be some things you'd rather remember tonight.

I laughed as I stood, but as I walked out, I walked straight into a rock hard chest.


Steves prov.

I dressed and was waiting when Bucky arrived. Tonys house was only down the road, so we were planning on walking there, seeing as Bucky would get drunk like always.

"come on Bud, we've got a party to get to."

"Don't drink to much this time Buck, I don't want to hold your hair back when you are vomiting again. "

he smiled

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