Part 3

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They sat around the large dinner table in the dinning room, and ate the pizza. It was gone and before long it was getting dark.

They had decided to stay the night round Tony's house, and dressed in their PJ's that were left there from last time they stayed over. Stark mansion was like a second home to them all, and they all enjoyed each others company.

They were all getting ready, Clint and Natasha sharing one room, Steve and Bucky were sharing a room and Bruce was staying in Tony's room. By 11 o'clock they were all in their rooms, and asleep- that was apart from Tony and Bruce.

"Bruce, " Tony whispered to his best friend. " Bruce are you awake?" he asked again.

"no," came the replied.

"okay, I can I ask you something?" Bruce huffed in annoyance and sat up on the floor from where he had set up the bed, and looked up at Tony who was leaning over the side of his bed looking down at Bruce.

"okay, what."

"My parents don't get back 'till next Wednesday, so do you think I should hold another party?"

"why, you will only end up getting drunk and doing something stupid. Why don't you invite everyone over to your beach house. You can get Steve or Clint to drive."

"why cant I drive?"

"that's a rhetorical question, right."


"well, you don't want me to answer that so yes, yes it is."

"fine. But, yes that's a good idea. Thanks Bruce."

"goodnight Tony."

"Goodnight." Tony laid back onto the bed, and slowly drifted off to sleep. A few hours later he wake up, sweating and shaking. He had had another nightmare. He crept past Bruce, not wanting to wake him up- as they had school tomorrow- or technically today.

He walked down the stairs, only wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a black tank top. He walked into the kitchen to get a cup of water, but he nearly walked into a tired looking Steve. He was only wearing a pair of jogging bottoms, and was sipping a glass of water.

"tony?" he asked. Tony couldn't tear his eyes away from Steve's body. He knew he was a part of the football team, but he never imagined he looked like that. WOW!

"erm, tony are you okay?"

"what, oh, yeah, just getting, some, erm, water." he awkwardly shuffled past Steve and got a glass and filled it up.

" oh, okay, goodnight Tony."

" night Steve."

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