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A tree with Fynn Rider's Want poster stood out amongst the others. With his odd shaped nose.

Valor: Okay so let's get started. This story isn't my own. Heck, I'm not even the one that dies.

Flynn: Hey! I thought I was telling this story!

Valor: Oh, really? But, Rapunzel said it was okay.

Fynn: *puppy dog eyes*

Valor *groans* Flynn That won't work with me. I am a wolf after all. I know that trick.

Flynn: *Puppy dog eyes.*

Valor: *sighing*. Alright.. Alright. *shakes her head* You can tell it.

Flynn: *smug* Works every time.

Valor: *rolls her eyes and mubles* He acts like he's younger than me typical I still don't see how Rapunzle puts up with him.

Flynn: Hey!

Rapunzel: Guys.. the story.

Flynn: Oh right. So this the story how—

Valor: The Great Fynn Rider dies!

Fynn: Wolfe!

Valor: *gives a wolfish grin*

Flynn: Anyways.. where was I?

Valor: Explaining you and Rapnuzel's story.

Flynn: Oh right. *ahem* But don't worry it actually a funny story, and the truth is it isn't even mine. This the story of a girl named Rapunzel. And it starts with the sun. Now once upon a time—

Valor: *jumping in* A single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this small drop a sun grew a magic flower. *The light forms a beautiful yellow flower growing.*

Flynn: *shouting* Stop interrupting me!!

Rapunzel: How about you both tell the story this time.

Flynn: But she started it! *points at Valor*

Valor: *gives an innocent look*

Rapunzel: Eugene. She younger than you. If you keep it up we won't even get to the story.

Flynn: Fine.... *continues* It had the ability to heal the sick and injured.

Valor: Oh, you see that old h- woman over there? *points to very old Mother Gothel approaching the flower.* You might want to remember her. She kind of important.

On an island a kingdom was formed. (The scene)

Flynn: Well centuries passed. And a hop, skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. And the queen was about to have a baby.

Valor: But, she got sick. Really sick. She was running out of time,—

Flynn: —and that is when people really start to look for a miracle. Or in this case a magical golden flower.

The guards and towns people began their search for the flower.Their lateens lighting the way through the night.

Valor: Ah! We told you she'd be important. *Mother Gothel appears with lantern in hand*

Flynn: You see. Instead of sharing the sun's gift. This woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded it's healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundred of years

Valor: *whistled* That's one old bat.

Flynn: *ignores* And all she had to do was sing a special song.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back once was mine
What once was mine

The flower brought back Mother Gothel's youthful appearance within seconds.

Flynn: Alright you get the gist. She signs to it, she turns young.

Valor: *shuttered* man she's creepy and I don't get scared easily.

Flynn: The magic of the golden flower healed the queen.A healthy baby girl, a princess was born. I'll give you a hint-

Valor *bouncing on her feet.* Oh, Oh, let guess.. it.. Rapunzel, right!

Flynn: *sigh* Yes. And to celebrate her birth, the king and queen, launched a flying lantern into the sky, and from that moment everything was perfect. *The paper lantern floats high as the citizens cheer.* But then that moment ended.

The window opens as Mother Gothel walks in and over to Rapnzel crib. Reaching with her old fingers. She laces it around the hair.

Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock..

As she cut the hair. She gasped in shock as it quickly turns brown and dies. Mother Gothel quickly begin to turn old once more.

Flynn: Gothel broke into the castle, stole the child, and just like that, gone.

Valor: I would've been able to find her. I am the best tracker here.

Max: *snorts*

Valor: Okay, second best.

Max: *whines. Happily as Valor pats his side*

Flynn: *ahem* Let's get back to the story here.

Valor: *picks up where Fynn stopped.* The kingdom searched and searched. But they could not find the princess. For deep within the forest in a hidden tower. Gothel raised the child as her own.

Gothel sat brushing Rapunzel's hair as the princess sang the song she was taught.

Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

Flynn: Gothel had found her new magic flower, but this time, she was deterred to keep it hidden.

"Why can't I go outside?" Child Rapunzel asked Mother Gothel. "The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe." Gothel keeps brushing Rapunzel's hair. "Do you understand flower?" Mother Gothel asked.

"Yes mommy." The child said back.

Valor: but the walls of the tower could not hide everything.

Flynn: Each year on her birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in the hope that one day their lost princess would return.

Valor: I remember watching them every night they sent them up. They were so beautiful. Always making the nights feel a bit happier.

Flynn: Are you done?

Valor: *crosses her arms* Why? I'm just helping. You're so bossy.

Flynn: Well I am an adult after making me older than you. And in charge.

Valor: You sure? Because you act a little too much like me at times.

Flynn: Wha— I do not. Max back me up on here.

Max: *Snorts at him*

Valor: He agrees with me. Well let's get going we have a story to tell after all.

Tangled: Journey to Corona (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें