Chapter 10: Lanterns

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Out on the water Rapunzle, Pascal and Eugene waits. Passing the time. Rapunzle begins placing flowers on the water. Watching them float. Then she spots the first light.

All those days
Watching from a windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never knowing.

Rapunzle quickly climbs to the head of cameo. Causing it to rock. Holding the edge Rapunzle watches as the lights began to appear.

Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in
The starlight now I'm here suddenly
I see

Standing here,
It's, oh so clear

Lanterns coming from ships and lighting up the whole night sky.

I'm where I'm
Meant to be
And at last I see the light

The whole kingdom was glowing as the lights rose up. Cluster of them all around.

And it's like
The fog has lifted
And at last I see the
Light and it's like the
Sky is new and it's warm
And real and bright
And the world has
Somehow shifted

Valor stared at them in awe from where she was left with Max. Valor only seen them for a few years but it was mesmerizing watching them closer. "I hope Rapunzle is enjoy this." She says.

All at once,
Everything looks
Different now that I
See you

Rapunzle turns her head to see Eugene holding out two lanterns. Smiling she sits down. "I have something for you too." Rapunzle then pulls out his satchel. "I should have given it to you before, but I was just scared. And the thing is, I'm not scared anymore. You know what I mean?" Rapunzle ask. "I'm starting to." Eugene said taking the satchel. Both smiling.

Each taking a lantern. They set them a float. With the others.


All those days
Chasing down a daydream
All those years, living in a

They watch as their lanterns join with others. Circling like they were dancing in the air.

All that time, never truly seeing
This the way they were.

Eugene looks over at Rapunzel who was leaning over the edge. As a stray  lantern comes by. Careful she guides it back up.

Now she's here
Shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly
I know if she's here, it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go.

Eugene grabs Rapunzle's hand with his own. Rapunzle smiles as they face each other. Singing.


And at last I see the light


And it's like the fog has lifted


And at last I see the light


And it's like the sky is new


And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted.

All at once, everything is different

Now that I see you.

Eugene pulls her closer. Pascal turns pink but looks between his paws. Watching them.

Now that I se... you.

Eugene was about to bring Rapunzel in to kiss her when a green draws his attention. On the bank was the Stabbington brothers. Turning they walked away.

"Is everything okay?" Rapunzle ask him. Looking behind her to the bank. "Huh?" Eugene pauses. "Oh, yes." He laughs nervously. "Yes, of course. I just.." looking over at the satchel.

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Eugene pulls the boat up to the bank. "I'm sorry. Everything is fine." Taking the satchel. "There is just something I have to take care of." Eugene tells her.


"I'll be right back." He said walking off leaving Rapunzle alone with Pascal.

-line break-

Nearby the two brothers waited. Outline by the green light of their lantern. Sideburns say craving bark. As Eugene walks in. "Ah! There you are!" Eugene says.

"I've been searching everywhere for you guys since we got separated. Hey. The sideburns are coming in nicely, huh?" Eugene complements. "You got to be excited about that." Sideburns said nothing but stops what he was doing.

"Anyhow, I just wanted to say I shouldn't have split. The crown is all yours. I'll miss you, but I think is for the-" he turns to leave but runs into Patch. "-best."

"Holding out on us again, eh, Rider?"


"We heard you found something. Something much more valuable than a crown." Sideburns said walking pass the fallen crown. "We want her instead." Eugene stares wide eyed as the words sank in.

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Rapunzle waits near the boat waiting for Eugene to return. Then she spots someone coming her way. Sighing in relief thinking it was Eugene. "I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me." She said.

But the single figure became two at the Stabbington brothers walked up to her.

"He did."

"What? No. He wouldn't."

"See for yourself."

Rapunzle looks out to see a boat sailing away. With a single passenger.


Eugene!" Rapunzle shouts louder. "Fair trade. A crown for the girl with the magic hair." Rapunzle turns around. "How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?" Sideburns asked.

"No. Please no." She begged them. Then runs. "No!" Jumping her hair got caught. As she pulls two loud grunts and thuds rang out, followed by a voice. "Rapunzle!" Gothel shouts out. "Mother?" Rapunzle walks back around to see the men out cold and her Mother over them with a branch.

"Oh, my precious girl!"


Rapunzle runs to her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Gothel ask her. "Mother. How did you.." "I was so worried about you dear. So I followed you. And I saw them attack you and... oh, my. Let's go. Let's go before they come to!" Gothel says. Rapunzle follows only looking back she watches the ship sail away. Turning she goes with her mother.

-line break-

Valor paces the bank. Something had to be off but what? "Maybe I being to paranoid. I mean it not like we bond over the last 48 hours of our lives."

Then a voice rang out. Causing both her and Max to turn to see. Eugene being apprehended by the guards. "No! Wait, guys!" The two draw closer. "RAPUNZEL!" Eugene shouts out.

"Oh, no." Turning she began to run. Max whinnies as he runs up. "Listen Max. We need help. I knew something wasn't right." Max whinnies again. "Okay." She then jumps and climbs into Max. "Just this once boy. I'm trusting you." Max snorts and races off. Though it was strange not traveling on her own four feet. They need to get help fast and if she knew what Max was thinking there was only one other place.

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