Chapter 5: New Friend and Doubts

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Rapunzle looks down at the ground. Before she puts her bare feet down touching the grass. Flynn soon joins her. Rapunzle begins laughing feeling the grass.

Rapunzle rolls over on the grass happily. Flynn notices the young black haired girl standing there from earlier. "Your the one who got me in this mess." Flynn points to Rapunzle as she watched dandelions blew. "Hey. This is first time seeing this place."

Rapunzle kept smiling and laughing. Quickly though she raced out of the tower grounds. "Well come on. We don't want her getting lost, Thief." "Flynn.. Flynn Rider not Thief." He corrects her.

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Once outside. Rapunzle was still in shock. And she looked to be happy. Flynn and the other girl walk out of the ivy.

"I can't believe I did this!" She says excitedly.
Then gasped. "I can't believe I did this." Laughing now she repeats it. Spinning about. "I can't believe I did this!" Stopping. "Mother will be furious." Gasped Rapunzle.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Flynn adds. The black haired girl glares at him. "What. She's blackmailing me." He tried to defend himself. As she walks after Rapunzle.

Sadly their trip kept having very long pit stops along the way. And it was because of Rapnuzel and her doubting or not doubting herself.

Rapunzle sat with feet in the stream. Flynn and the girl watching. "But that's okay. What she doesn't know won't kill her right?" Flynn and 14 year old exchange same bewildered look watching her.

"Oh, my gosh! This would kill her." Rapunzle cried. Hidden in a cave. Leaving the two tagalongs looking inside. 'Is this normal?' She thought.

"This is so funnn! "Rapunzle shouts running past them. Tossing leaves up as she went.

"I'm a horrible daughter. I'm going back." Rapunzle said forehead to a tree.

"I am never going BACK!" Rapunzle laughs rolling down the hill wrapping her hair around her as she went.

"I'm a despicable human being!" She mumbled into the ground. While Flynn sat frowning. The other girl slide down next to Rapunzle. A bit confused. "Is this normal for people?" She asked Flynn. "Yes and no."

The black haired girl sat on the rock while Flynn leans on the tree. Rapunzle on the other hand was whooping with laughter as she spun around using her hair.

"So, you know this forest well?" Flynn said. "Yep. I should be able to get you to the Kingdom in one piece." She adds. Then Rapunzle's laughter rings out. "Best day Everrrr!"

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Flynn and the younger girl approach Rapunzle. Who now was crying again. Clearing his throat. "You know, I can't help, but notice you seem to be at war with yourself." Flynn tells her. "You you okay?" The black haired girl asked.

Rapunzle stops crying but jumps back pointing her frying pan at the stranger. "Who are!" She demands while the younger girl kept her hands raised. "Whoa easy there blondie. She your other guide I was talking about." Flynn said trying to keep calm. Besides something about this girl was different. "Rapunzel. Meet.. uh.." "Valor. Names Valor." She lowers her hands. "I really don't want to hurt you. Honestly."

Rapunzle looks at her and noticed. "Why do you have pointy teeth?" "Hmm.?" Valor blinks. Then gives an apologetic look. "Oh. I was born with them. Please Rapunzle. Flynn told me what you two are doing and I'd like to help."

Rapunzle lowers her frying pan. "Alright. But try anything and I will use my frying pan." Valor nods. "Yes ma'am."

The two girls smiled. Then Flynn coughs dragging them back. "So, blondie you still wanting to go? Because if not we can forget about and head back to tower. You get to go home and I can get my satch-ouch!" Valor elbows him in the side. "What was that for!" He cried out.

Valor crosses her arms and stands next to Rapunzle. "Look. Rap. I know what it's like experiencing the world for the first time. It's hard and dangerous." "That's why we should go back and part ways like..." he trailed off as Valor shoots him a narrowed eyed look.

"But, what about my Mother?" Rapunzle asked. "Well it's part of growing up. Rebellion. Breaking her heart and soul." Flynn adds. "So let's head back and forget all of this and I can have my satchel back, you have your life back and you.. uh?" Flynn looks over at Valor. "You can go home."

"No!" Rapunzle shouts. "I want to see those lanterns." She says to him. "Oh, come on! What is it going to take for me to get my satchel back?" Flynn asked her. "I will use this." Rapunzle threatens him.

A *snap* made everyone jump. Rapunzle freaks out and clings to Flynn. "Is it ruffians? Thugs have they come for me?" As the bushes rustled. Valor fixes a narrow gaze at it but more of amusement as a rabbit hops out. Valor laughs as it greets them. "Stay calm. I can probably smell fear." Flynn jokes.

Valor laughs. "Yeah. He's kind of funny." She said to the rabbit. The rabbit wiggles it's nose and bounds away. "Oh, sorry." Rapunzle apologizes. "I guess I'm just a little jumpy."

"It's fine. But we might want to avoid the ruffians and thugs though." Valor points out. "Some can a bit scary and mean." She adds.

"Yeah. Probably be for the best." Rapunzle admits. 'This was going to be a long journey, at least it won't be dull.'' Valor thought.

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