Chapter 1:Theft of the Crown

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The sun rose as dawn broke. The forest life was wake now. A snap of a twig made a black wolf raise her head her silver eyes glowed as a cloaked woman walks by. Heading deeper into the forest. Twitching her ears as the footsteps fading away.

Deep in the forest a tower stood tall. Rays of the light bringing the building to life. The window moves as a chameleon dashed out. It looks about and runs changing his colors to blend in with the painted flower pot.

"Ha!" Rapnuzel quickly opens the window looking outside. "Hmm. Well, I guess Pascal's not hiding out here." She casually says walking  back into the tower.

Pascal snickers. Only to be grabbed by his tail with Rapnuzel's hair. "Gotcha!" Pascal screams and then turns back to his usual green color.
"That's 22 for me. How about 23 out of 45?" Rapnuzel asked her friend. As she lowers him back down and removes her hair from the hook.

Pascal frowns. "Okay. Well, what do you want to do?" Brightening up he points outside with his tail. "Yeah. I don't think so." Rapnuzel says sitting down on the ledge. "I like it here and so do you."  Pascal gives her an annoyed look. "Oh come on, Pascal. It's not so bad in there." Rapnuzel says re-enters the tower.

Tuning about. Rapnuzel climbs up to the rafters. Using her hair. She pulls open the windows and slides back down.

Seven a.m the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep till
The floor's all clean

Rapnuzel began singing as she sweeping the floor. Having to lift her hair as she went.Brushing the dust into the pan. Pascal gets covered by the dust while holding the pan.

Polish and wax,
do laundry and mop and shine up.

Rapnuzel begins more dusting mopping and more of her chores.

Sweep again and by then it's like 7:15
And so I'll read a book
or maybe two or three.

Rapnuzel walks over to her bookshelf taking her book one by one. Pascal on her shoulder.

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery.

Rapnuzel painted her wall. Suspended by her hair. As she paints.

I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Rapnuzel strums a guitar. Then knitted   follows by  pulled out a pie she was baking. Looking over at an empty unpainted part of the tower. Holding up her thumb she moves about measuring it.

Quickly she grabs her paints and climbing back up she removed the object blocking the wall.  And begins to paint again.

Then after lunch
It's puzzles and darts and baking
Papier-mâché a bit of ballet
And chess

Rapnuzel and Pascal went back to work. Putting a puzzle together.  Rapnuzel then throws darts. Pascal runs as Rapnuzel holds up a papier-mâché head. While dancing she gets tangled in her hair. Falling down on the ground. Yet raised a hand to move her chess piece winning the game.

Pottery and ventriloquy
and candle making.
Then I'll stretch
Maybe sketch
Take climb sew a dress

Pascal was very happy as he wore a pink dress Rapnuzel put on him. But didn't last long. Once done. Rapnuzel went back to her books. A bored expression on her face.

And so I'll re-read the books
If I have time to spare.
I'll paint walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere.

Rapnuzel looks up at the painting she was doing and realizing there wasn't any room. The tower was covered in her paintings from over the last almost 18 years.

And then I'll brush
And brush and
brush my hair
Stuck in the same
place I've always been

Rapnuzel ram about tossing her hair around in a circle neatly. Leaving her in the center of it.

I'll keep wondering
Wondering and wondering when
Will my life begin?
Tomorrow night
Lights will appear

Rapnuzel leans out her window with wishful a look in her eyes.

like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like out
there where they glow
Now that I'm older
mother must let me go.

Rapnuzel walks over to the pairing. Showing a night sky full of floating lights. Climbing up she began to paint herself in. Watching the lights outside of the tower.

-line break-

While Rapnuzel was going through her morning routine. Something was going down in the Kingdom. Sliding down the rooftops. The three thieves moved. In the lead was Flynn Rider scrawny man. Other two were the Stabbington Brothers. As they moved from above. The castle guards marched from below.

Flynn leans out from his hiding place. Holding onto the edge of the castle's roof. "Wow! I could get used to a view like this." "Rider, come on." Sideburns whisper holding the overhand open. "Hang on." Flynn paused. "Yep. I'm used to it. Guys I want a castle." Fynn declares proudly.

"We do this job, you can buy your own castle." Sideburns said  while grabbing Flynn by the collar of his shirt. Once Flynn was secured they began to lower him down. Below the castle guards stood watch over the throne room and the lost princess and the crown.

As he snatched the crown. "ACHOOO!" "Hay fever!" Flynn asked the guard leaning on his knuckles on the crown's case nonchalantly.  "Yeah." The guard then turns back around. "Huh!" he quickly turns around to see the crown was gone and someone escaping from above. "Hey! Wait!" He shouts upwars as the rest of the guards quickly joins him.

The thieves raced over the bridge connecting the castle to the other side of the water. "Can't you picture me in the castle of  my own? Because I certainly can." Flynn quickly says as they raced away from the kingdom. "All the things we've seen. And it's only 8:00 in the morning. Gentlemen, this is a very big day!" Flynn said.

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