Chapter 13: The End

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Once they arrive. Valor and Rapnuzel quickly stop the guards from arresting Eugene. Rapnuzel quickly explains everything to them and they are escorted into the castle. "Wait here." The guard orders them and leaves to fetch the king and queen.

"What if they don't like me? Recognize me? I my hair shirt now." Rapnuzel asked them. Eugene chuckles. "I'm sure they will Rapunzel." He said. Valor nods. Her blue eyes warm. "Besides a mother never forgets their own child." Then the doors open.

Everyone turns around to see the king and queen standing there. Both daughter and parents stare at each other. Slowly the queen approaches. Valor felt tension rise a bit as the queen drew closer. Valor hope she was right and her mother would recognize her.

The reaches out touching Rapnuzel on her check and smiles before pulling her into a hug. Laughing the king joins hugging his wife and daughter. Valor smiles softly watching them. Then the queen holds out her hand to them.

Eugene reaches out to shake only to be pulled into a group hug. Pulling Valor in with.

Eugene: Well, you can imagine what happened next. The kingdom rejoiced, for their lost princess had returned. The party lasted an entire week, and honestly I don't remember most of it?

Valor: I don't blame you. It was a long celebration

Eugene: I might not remember much but, remember you weren't even present the whole time.

Valor: I went exploring. Rapnuzel and her parents didn't mind.

Eugene: Anyways dreams came true all over the place.

Valor: Hook Hand went on to become the most famous concert pianist in the world. If you can believe it.

Eugene: And Big Nose? Well eventually found true love. As for Ulf, I assume he's happy. He hasn't told me otherwise.

Valor: And then there's Maximus. Thanks to him crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight. As did most of the apples. As for Pascal. Never changed.

Eugene: At last Rapnuzel was home. And she finally had a real family.

Valor: She was a princess worth waiting for. Beloved by all, she led her kingdom with all the grace and wisdom that her parents did before her.

Eugene: as for me, I started going by Eugene again, stop thieving and turned it around. But I know what the big question is. Did Rapnuzel and I ever get married? I'm pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking and asking.. I finally said yes.

Valor: *snorts in laughter*

Rapunzel: Eugeneee!

Eugene: All right. I asked her.

Rapunzel: And we are living happily ever after.

Eugene: Yes we are

Valor: until next time, Sayonara.

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