Chapter One

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     Hey guys! I'm not sure how far I'm going to take this story, and I know that it's a very overused idea, but  I wanted to write about topics that I am interested in for my first fanfiction!  I love Percy Jackson and Spiderman, so I figured that I'd just mash to two subjects together and see what happens! The chapters will be short, some characters might be OOC, and the writing quality won't be the most amazing, but I'm going to try my best and have some fun while I write this! Happy reading!

Disclaimer- I don't own the Rick Riordan Universe or the MCU!

(Did I do that right?)                                                                   


     Over all his years of being a demigod, Percy Jackson had learned many things. He'd learned how to use a sword, how to take down hordes of monsters all on his lonesome, and even how to survive an angry Annabeth (although he still hadn't perfected that trick). He had gleaned the knowledge and rules needed to survive in the world as a child of Poseidon, and had made it through two wars, Tartarus, a ridiculous number of prophecies, quests, and other adventures, and he was well aware of the most important rules of being a demigod.

     Above all, the most vital rule? No matter how strong the temptation-and sometimes the temptation was strong- you never, ever, say that you're safe. You probably shouldn't even THINK it. Saying that you were safe was practically taunting The Fates. You were pretty much asking for something to go wrong.

     Of course, that isn't to say that people didn't say it anyway. Percy was smart enough not to say it, but that doesn't mean that he didn't think it occasionally...


     Percy strolled down the sidewalk, the sun out, the autumn sky cloudless, and a smile on his face. He had just IM'd Annabeth, and they were heading for brunch at a nearby cafe. They met up often, but that didn't mean he wasn't excited to see her every time they went out together.

     He kept up a slow and relaxed pace as he walked along the side of the busy street. Percy could have taken his car, but it was such a beautiful day that he figured walking a few blocks wouldn't kill him. On days like this, he couldn't help thinking-

     'Maybe today will be peaceful.' 

     (Bad Percy. With your luck, you shouldn't even think that!)

     Even though it had been almost a year since the Giant war- And to be fair, things had been remarkably less chaotic than before the Doors of Death had been closed- they still had almost daily monster sightings. It almost seemed like there were more then there were supposed to be. If the sightings kept increasing like this, it could get as chaotic as it was before.

     Now, these monsters hadn't always attacked Percy, but that didn't make it any less stressful. So, he took little breaks, like this date with Annabeth, to prevent him from completely collapsing under the pressure of his demigod life.

     Realizing that he had zoned out, Percy looked around and spotted the Cafe that Annabeth said she'd be waiting at. It was a small shop, wedged in between two larger buildings, and painted a sky blue with fairy lights adorning the doorframe. The fancy script on the large glass window read-

     'Books and Beans Cafe'

     Peeking in through the window, Percy saw the back wall was completely covered in bookshelves, which were full of books of all shapes and sizes. Of course, Annabeth had chosen a Bookstore coffee shop. It was a quaint little place though, he'd give it that.

     As he pushed the door open, a bell jingled, and a whiff of coffee and baked goods hit him hard.

     His stomach growling, he made his way through the maze of tables toward a certain curly-haired blond that he spotted near the back. As usual, she was reading a book, earbuds in, totally zoned out to the world. Percy took a moment to appreciate how adorable his girlfriend was, then, having finally reached her table, plopped down in front of her.

     She didn't even flinch, and popped her earbuds out before giving him a peck on the lips

     "Hey Seaweed Brain, what took you so long? Did you get lost?" She asked teasingly.

     "No, I got mugged on the way here."

     They both laughed. The idea that somebody could mug him was... well, laughable. Both Percy and Annabeth had stepped it up in their training even more after the war ended, and at this point, the mugger would be on the ground before they had time to say 'Give me all your money!'

     After that, they just talked. Being able to simply banter back and forth, and hear each other's voices had a calming effect on both of them, smoothing the frazzled nerves gained from having to survive in a world where you're hunted at every turn. Tartarus hadn't been all that long ago, and the nightmares and flashbacks still plagued them both. Percy had no Idea how Nico had gone through it alone. He thanked the gods that he had Annabeth with him. He couldn't wait for them to go to college together in new Rome, and then maybe even... start a family?

     The thought caused a huge smile to spread across Percy's face. The Idea of someday marrying Annabeth, and raising children together made him so happy. He couldn't wait.

     Before Percy knew it, two and a half hours had passed, and It was time for him to head home. He kissed Annabeth goodbye and then started the walk back to his apartment. Content after his date with Annabeth, he expected to go home, watch some T.V, maybe clean his room, and then spend the rest of the day doing who knows what.

     Unfortunately, if you remember back to the Prologue and just after, you will remember that Percy had already tempted The Fates. So, of course, he did not go home and watch T.V.

     He was maybe halfway back to his apartment when he spotted something strange down one of the alleyways. It appeared to be a well-muscled (And may he add, half-naked,) boy, around Percy's age, jumping around. The boy was short and lean, with brown hair and pale skin. Percy would have dismissed this as just strange boy behavior, if not for the loud, unearthly howl and scream that suddenly echoed from behind the nearby buildings, and the fact that the boy quickly yanked a baggy red onesie up over his body. Percy watched as he slipped on a just as baggy mask, and then placed his hand on his chest. The onesie miraculously turned into a tight-fitting costume, that looked like..... Wait. was that Spider-Man?

(Word count: 997) 

     So! What did you guys think? This chapter was really short, but I'm going to try to keep the word count at around 1000 for every chapter, unless I get a great idea and decide to run with it or something! Comment if you see any mistakes, or even just have advice that you want to share!

     Until next time!

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