Chapter Seven

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Heeeeey. It's been a while! Once again, I have no excuse other than lack of motivation, lol. I hope that everyone is doing well in quarantine, it has been 66 days since Match 13th, which I have been counting as the start of my Quarencation, and I'm getting a little crazy. I did finally pick this back up though, so that's a plus. I won't make any fake promises that I'll update this more, but at the moment I have quite a bit of motivation for it, so we'll see, lmaooo.



"We wanted to ask you about it before we debriefed Fury."

    "Fine." Peter sat down beside him and snagged a piece of pepperoni pizza. "First things first, can I just ask why you put me in ALL of his classes? Do you know how suspicious that is?"

    Such was the start of a very long and uneventful conversation.


Once he was done recapping his day (and the rest of the previous week) to the avengers in excruciating detail, he did the exact same thing with Fury. This was more of a debriefing/brainstorming meeting than anything, the avengers cutting in here and there to address suspicions that they had, or ideas that popped into their heads. There had been a lot of speculation about his long disappearances, which Peter knew he would be forced to investigate. Soon after, they finished the night off with everything and they all went off to do their own thing. Nat went to do her evening workout (Peter didn't know why she did it before she was supposed to sleep, he thought the adrenaline would make that hard, but he never asked.), Tony went off to his lab again, and essentially everything was as usual.

Peter had been off on patrol when he got back from school, and then he had briefed everyone on his day over supper, so he hadn't started on the hefty pile of schoolwork leering at him from his backpack. He headed off to his room to at least start on it before heading out on another quick run-through of the neighbourhood. He pulled out his thick science textbook, which had to have been older than him by at least a hundred years, and looked over the assigned questions. They were mind-numbingly easy for him, after all, he had been moved down a level so that he could be in the same class as Percy. Even if he hadn't been moved down to regular A.P classes rather than the grade ahead that he had taken at Midtown, it still wouldn't have been very challenging, as he was already receiving advanced lessons from Bruce and Mr.Stark as well as his in-school work.

He had to admit though, he was a little above average for science, and school in general, so all things considered, Percy seemed pretty smart. He may not have been suspicious at their identical schedules, but despite the boy's constant jokes about how bad he was at school, he seemed to really enjoy being in Science and Phys-ed, if not Math and English. Peter had a feeling that he was used to being perceived as dumb, and so was constantly joking about it before someone could call him stupid to his face. After observing Percy for just a day though, Peter could tell that he was anything but stupid.

He may not have been amazing at Math, but Percy had a sharp wit, and a sharper mind. He could see the gears turning in the boy's brain when they ran into some unsavoury people in the cafeteria, and watched as he quickly diffused the situation, saw when Percy's eyes shone with interest as they discussed in depth the process of evolution, and noticed every well-placed joke specifically formulated to make Peter comfortable. Percy may have been a little goofy, that was genuine, but he was far from stupid.

He hoped that Percy wasn't going to cause any problems with the Avengers and that the Avengers weren't going to cause any problems with Percy. He was a nice kid, and no matter what weird thing he had done to that Dog-creature, Peter didn't want to mess with his life. After he talked about his uneventful day to the team, a few of them had seemed to lose interest. Mr.Stark had seemed less certain that he was something to worry about, and Bruce wasn't that interested either, but Clint, Nat and Fury were still too dead set on interrogating Percy for Peter's liking.

His observations of Percy hadn't stopped his curiosity though.

He kept replaying those moments in the alleyway in his head. It may have been a little rough, but that roll that Percy did was not a first time thing, and his reflexes when fighting the beast had been incredible. The skill with which he had wielded his blade suggested not just knowledge of how to use it, but years of practice. Where would a kid like Percy learn how to use a sword like that? Peter had tried foil fencing once in the gym with Natasha, and that was challenging enough, but a foil was nothing compared to the large weapon that Percy had been holding. He supposed it could just be a strange hobby, but the boy had barely hesitated when taking on a huge monster-dog-thing, as if he wasn't surprised at all, just determined to get rid of it and move on.

"Well," Peter mumbled to himself as he scratched out an answer to the first science question, "I'll just have to wait and see where this whole thing goes."


Time skip: brought to you by that dam snack bar

Peter's brain was moving a hundred miles a minute as Percy left the class once again. He had been waiting all day for this to happen, with a strange mix of anticipation and dread. Another week had passed, and he had grown even fonder of Percy, but his absences from class had only increased since his first day at Goode High. Last night, he had been instructed by Fury to follow Percy the next time he disappeared to "Go to the bathroom" or "get a drink".

The anticipation was for the answers that he hoped to get. Even if it wasn't anything the team would care to know about, it would still be a weight off Peter's mind to finally know where Percy went. The dread was also for the answers, in a way. If something really was going on, Peter would have to confront him sooner or later, and he didn't want to ruin this budding friendship. Don't get him wrong, Ned and M.J. were still his best friends above all, but Percy was a genuinely nice guy who Peter had now hung out with almost every day for two weeks at lunch and in class, and he wasn't too keen on destroying that pleasant lie to make way for the harsh truth: that Peter was only friends with Percy for the sake information, and that if something was happening Peter would have to bring Percy to the Avengers to be questioned. 

It had been a few minutes now, and so Peter raised his hand to be excused from class. After a nod from the teacher at his request to go to the bathroom, he followed the direction that he had heard Percy's footsteps go. When he caught up, he saw the young man walking quickly toward the back doors of the school, that led out to the football field and then the street.

Percy opened the door, peeked his head out, and then ran outside.

Peter waited two minutes, and then followed.

Sorry this chapter is short! Hope you enjoyed, comment if you want, (helping me catch errors would be greatly appreciated), maybe vote too, and I'll see you when I see you!

Until next time!

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