Chapter Four

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Hi guys! Hope you enjoy chapter four!



"It'll be fine," Mr.Stark reassured "although I do want to know what did it. I wanted to wait for you before I watched the footage from the baby monitor protocol, so that you could really explain everything. Are you feeling up for it?"

Peter nodded. "Sure. I'll warn you though, it gets pretty weird."

     There was more of a crowd than Peter or Mr.Stark had expected. When Tony went to get a laptop to connect the baby monitor protocol to, apparently Fury had found out something strange was happening. He had demanded to be there to see the footage, which wasn't that bad, except that then the other Avengers were wondering what was going on, so of course they insisted on watching it. So, Peter had a crowd of people huddled around his bed, because Mr.Stark hadn't wanted Peter to move his leg before it was fully healed.

     Peter let out a breath. "Here we go. It's going to take too long if you guys interrupt the video, so we probably shouldn't talk until the thing is over." He realized that he probably sounded rude, so he tried to lighten his tone for the next part. "I'll only be talking to explain things!"

     He pressed play on the video. It had been queued up to just before he launched himself toward the dog. The video played out true to actual events, although it was a bit shaky. Every once in a while, Peter would but in to explain something or say what was happening when the video got too shaky to see.

     They got to the part where Peter called for help, and Peter heard a muttered "Finally" from Mr.Stark. Peter thought about pausing the video to protest that he had had things under control, but decided not too.

     When Peter got thrown to the ground by the dog, there was a collective grumble of displeasure from the Avengers. They had all come to enjoy Peter's presence, and had even grown fond of the kid, so they didn't like seeing him get hurt.

     Peter paused the video. "This is where the weird thing happens, so pay attention." He stopped, thinking, "Not that being attacked by a giant dog wasn't weird."

     The video continued. They watched the boy take down the dog thing in stunned silence, and then the video got to where Peter had passed out. Although his mind had been hazy, the video was crystal clear. Peter saw that it wasn't just Mr.Stark that that had come to help him, but a couple of the other Avengers as well! As the footage played on, he spotted Natasha, Clint, and Steve in the background, examining the gold dust, and taking samples.

     When Mr.Stark picked him up and flew to the tower with him. They stopped the video.

     Fury was the first to speak. "Stark, get your AI to run facial recognition on that boy."

     "You heard the man," Tony lifted his face towards the ceiling and shouted to FRIDAY. "Run Facial recognition program."

      Within seconds a S.H.I.E.L.D file was pulled up on the laptop. FRIDAY's voice rang throughout the room as she read it aloud.

     "Perseus 'Percy' Jackson- Age: Seventeen, DOB: August 18, 1993, Gender: Male, Height: 6 '0, Hair: black, Eyes: green..."

    As Friday read it out, The Avengers plus Fury listened to this boys lengthy list of "Charges" that were all dropped, but should have gotten him in trouble.

     Clint smirked "Not gonna lie, I'm sort of impressed. Blew up the St.Louis arch? Got into a gunfight? And he was what, twelve? That's some pretty impressive shenanigans."

     Nat looked at him sideways "Did you just use 'shenanigans' in a sentence?"

     Clint merely shrugged. "So what if I did?"

     Fury cut off whatever Natasha was going to say to that. "We now have a pressing issue. This kid is obviously dangerous. I might even say that he could be involved in some sort of gang, or possibly a terrorist organization."

    He was cut off by concerned mutters from the assembled group.

    Steve spoke up first "Fury, he's just a kid. Are you sure it could be that serious?"

     "Crazier things have happened." Fury said pointedly. "All I want is to bring this kid in, talk to him a bit, figure out what's up with him."

     Bruce made a noise of indecision. "I don't know..." He looked around at his team, then at Peter. " What if something happens? I don't know how much this random sword-wielding kid is going to want to come talk to the government."

     He turned to Thor, who was deep in thought. "Do you know this guy?"

     "Something about that name does sound familiar..." Thor couldn't seem to place anything more accurate than that.

     "Even if he has an interesting past, he saved my life! Could we at least do some, like, basic surveillance first?" There was a twisting feeling in Peter's gut. He decided that going after this "Percy" would have serious consequences. He wasn't sure yet if they'd be good or bad, but he didn't really want to find out.

     He looked around. The other Avengers were all deep in thought. Some of them looked like they agreed with Fury, some looked like they didn't, and some looked like they just couldn't decide.

     Peter shot puppy eyes at Fury. "Please?" It was a desperate ploy, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

     Fury glared at him for a few seconds, then broke down at a look from the other Avengers. "Fine," He sighed "but if we see anything else strange, we're bringing him in. Got it?"

     "Got it!" Peter was 16, and not nearly a baby, but the puppy eyes still worked occasionally.

     Fury and the Avengers, including Mr.Stark (Who had to go to a meeting with some big company), filed out of the room, the matter apparently dealt with.

     Peter thought back to the boy. Percy Jackson. He wondered what he was up too now. Where did this kid go when he wasn't saving superheroes? Plus, what was up with that sword?

     Percy had saved Peter's life, and he didn't want to bother the mysterious boy, but that didn't mean Peter had no questions. How were they going to watch this kid? Somehow, he didn't think that the Avengers spying on a ninja sword boy would go unnoticed, especially by Percy Jackson himself.

_____________________________Time Skip!________________________

      A couple of hours later, Mr.Stark walked back into the room. Peter was sitting up in bed, lost in thought, feeling much better.

     "Hey kid, we figured out how to spy on mystery boy."

     Peter, startled by his mentor's sudden appearance, nearly fell off the bed. He opened his mouth to ask how they were going to do it when Tony cut him off.

     "You're going to Goode High-school."

(Word count: 1093)

Hope this was okay! As I'm writing this no one has seen this story. Like literally no one, but I told my self that I would stick to a updating  schedule (Every two weeks), and I don't want to abandon that so soon, even if it is a waste of time, lol. Comment if you like it, are bored, have corrections, suggestions, whatever you want!



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