Chapter Three

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy the chapter! (Assuming anybody reads this)

Disclaimer- I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Marvel and Rick Riordan 



     Now that the hellhound was dealt with, he could worry about other things.

     Such as the stunned superhero staring at him standing knee-deep in golden sand.

     It had been a normal day, so to speak. Peter had gone to Ned's house, (They had built a Lego version of the Millennium Falcon), then they had joined MJ at Delmar's for sandwiches.

     A fun day, but nothing over the top exciting or dangerous. That is, until the monster. He had been walking home from Delmar's, with his backpack slung over one shoulder, when he had heard it. A growl coming from the closest alleyway. He had glanced in and spotted a huge black dog. Like, GINORMOUS, with long fangs and a not so friendly snarl on its lips.

     He also spotted the small group of civilians who seemed oblivious to it. Unfortunately, the dog was not as oblivious to them. It locked eyes on them, and its lips drew back in what looked like a menacing smile.

     "Here we go,"  thought Peter. Then he sprinted past, into the second nearest alleyway, and frantically changed into his suit. He had paused, taken a deep breath, and then flung himself into the fray.

____________________ Time skip_____________________

     "Peter, your heart rate has increased drastically. Would you like me to notify Mr.Stark that you are in danger?"

     "No Karen, just-" Peter paused. Things weren't going well. The civilians had escaped, but this monster dog wasn't letting up, and Peter was out of ideas. His weapons were only making it more mad. Quite frankly, Peter was scared.

     "Just call him. I need to talk to him."

     "Okay Peter."

     He waited. He didn't stop moving though. His spider-sense was going crazy, and the beast was getting more and more frantic. Finally, Tony picked up.

     "Hey kid, what's going on?"

     Peter blew out a sigh of relief. "Mr.Stark! So, long story short, I'm fighting this giant dog monster! If you're not too busy, I need just the smallest bit of help-"

     A searing pain ripped through his leg, and he was cut off as the giant dog cut a lucky break. It threw him to the ground, bashing his head on the cement in the process, and he lay stunned, the wind knocked out of him.

     Mr.Stark was shouting in his ear.

     "Kid, what happened!" Peter was frozen with fear. He wanted to talk, but the words just couldn't get past the lump in his throat. He was trying to get up and swing away, but he wasn't able to get off the ground. His head was spinning too much to think straight.

     "Peter!" Mr.Stark sounded really upset, but the dog was now slowly creeping towards Peter, and he couldn't bring himself to speak. The fall must have damaged his communicator because soon the link was nothing but static. Peter was still stunned from the fall, terrified, and his leg hurt like crazy.

     The dog dropped low to the ground, and he could tell it was about to go for him. He closed his eyes and hoped it wouldn't hurt too much, although, who was he kidding, of course it was going to hurt, when an unfamiliar voice cut through the terror.

     "Hey ugly!"

     A boy, around seventeen years old, stood in the square. Where he had come from, Peter had no idea. But he had effectively gotten the monster's attention.

     "Whatcha doing? Spiders are gross, you don't want to eat one, do you?"

The boy made eye contact with Peter, who, finally out of his daze, was getting to his feet. Putting weight on his leg felt impossible, but he had to make sure the random boy wouldn't get hurt. He was about to try to taze the dog again when it lunged at the boy.

     And the boy rolled out of the way. Sure, he bashed his head while doing it, but he hadn't been killed, which Peter considered a great accomplishment for a civilian. Only when the boy got to his feet did Peter notice that he was holding a sword. Maybe not your average civilian after all.

     The monster ran at the boy again, and this time, instead of rolling out of the way, the boy dove underneath the beast, sword in hand, and all of the sudden, it exploded into a pile of sand-like dust.

     Peter couldn't believe it. What had just happened? He was on his feet now, but his head was spinning. That hit must have done more damage than he originally thought.

     The boy got up too, covered in gold dust and still weary-looking. It sort of looked like had forgotten Peter was there. That is, until he gave a start when Peter stumbled. Wow, he was really dizzy.

     The boy looked cornered now, like he had just realized what he had done. He opened his mouth, about to speak, when there was a noise. To be specific, the sound of repulsors getting steadily closer. Peter caught a glimpse of red and gold armor, and nearly collapsed in relief. Mr.Stark was here. The mysterious boy, however, didn't have the same reaction. His sea-green eyes widened, and as Iron Man got close, he darted away, back through one of the alleyways. He saw Iron Man go to follow him, when Peter collapsed. Immediately, Mr.Stark turned around. The last thing Peter saw was Mr.Stark hurrying towards him, before everything faded into black.



     A soft, muffled voice drifted through the haze that was Peter's mind.

     "Peter, can you hear me?"

     Slowly, he became more aware of the fact that he was lying in a soft bed, and that somebody was sitting in a chair beside him, ruffling Peter's hair. He gently lifted his head. Everything was white. The bedsheets, the walls, everything. This meant he could only be in one place. The Med Bay. He still had a pounding headache, which meant that he hadn't been out for long, otherwise his super healing would have dealt with it. He looked to his side.


     "Hey Pete." His mentor gave him a soft smile "How's your head?"

      Peter grunted in response. "How long was I out?"

     "About an hour. That must have been a pretty hard hit."

     Peter laughed softly. "Yeah, it kinda hurt. I'm more worried about my leg though." He could feel that it was wrapped in heavy bandages.

      "It'll be fine," Mr.Stark reassured,  "although I do want to know what did it. I wanted to wait for you before I watched the footage from the baby monitor protocol so that you could really explain everything. Are you feeling up for it?"

     Peter nodded. "Sure. I'll warn you though, it gets pretty weird."

(word count:1088)

Tell me if there's anything that you think I should add/change!

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