Chapter Five

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     Hey guys! So sorry that that update too so long, I don't really have an excuse as half of it was already pre-written. I know that I said that I was going to stick to a two week schedule, and I'm still going to try, but this is veeeery low down on my priority list at the moment, lol. Hope you enjoy the chapter!



     His head was aching, but defeating the monster hadn't been nearly as hard as he feared it would be.

     Now that the hellhound was dealt with, he could worry about other things.

     Such as the stunned superhero staring at him standing knee-deep in golden sand.

     It had been four days since the hellhound attack, and Percy was foolishly hoping, pleading, that it had just blown over. Really, he knew that eventually it would come back to bite him in the you know what, but for now, nothing had come up, except that trying to wash the monster dust out of his clothes had been a hassle.

     Anyway, since it was late September, Percy was currently in school. Goode wasn't that bad, but he was already excited for winter break. He was trying really hard to get good grades so that he could go to college in New Rome with Annabeth. Currently, he was in homeroom (Math), as the day had just started. Percy was pulling out his binder of notes and lined paper when the teacher and a boy walked up to the front of the room. Now, this wouldn't be worth noting, except that Percy was certain that this boy wasn't in this class. His face looked familiar, but Percy had made sure to know the names of everyone in all of his classes, and this kid wasn't in any of them. He had mousy brown hair, and was relatively short.

     The teacher cleared her throat. 

      Percy and the rest of the class looked up.

      "Everyone, this is Peter Parker. He is starting here a bit late, so please be polite to him, make him feel welcome."

     Peter waved shyly at the class. He and the teacher started walking towards Percy as the rest of the class returned to the work that they had been assigned.

     "Percy, because you have an empty seat beside you, Peter will be sitting here." She paused, thinking. "And at lunch, please give him a short tour, let him know where the most important rooms are, like the attendance office, the bathrooms, the cafeteria, things like that."

     "Okay Ms.Kovacs!"

     Peter sat down in his seat. "Hi!" He grinned shyly.

     Percy smiled back. He liked Peter already. The kid seemed nice enough, and Percy hoped they would get along well.

     The lesson had resumed, and the rest of the class Percy's attention was on taking notes. It was hard with his Dyslexia,and his ADHD made it hard to concentrate, but he struggled through it. When the bell rang, Percy started walking to his next class when Peter ran up beside him.

     "Hi!" Peter smiled at Percy, "What class do you have next?"

     "English." Percy grimaced. He hated English.

     "Really? That's cool, me too!"

      They walked to class together, and Percy pointed out any rooms of significance to Peter at Lunch. After that, Percy had a Gym, (With Peter), then science, which Peter was also in. In the middle of Science he spotted two Griffins flying outside the window, and had to excuse himself from class to see what they were up too. By the time Percy got back -the Griffins had been up to no good- the class was mostly over, and he had to get Peter to send him pictures of the notes. The day was pretty uneventful, but the new kid seemed cool, so that was a plus. It was crazy luck that he and Peter had all the same classes, but it wasn't like that hadn't happened before, so Percy didn't think much of it. After school ended, Percy went to practice for the swim team, and just like that,  the day was over.

     The rest of the week went much the same way. Class, monster attack, class, lunch, monster attack, etc. The worst occurrence was probably on Wednesday, when a Hydra somehow got onto school grounds. Percy had to skip class the rest of the day, as his wounds were far too noticeable for him to go unquestioned. He could use the mist, but he hadn't perfected the skill yet, plus the gash on his cheek had hurt like heck.

     Soon enough it was Friday night, and Percy was doing homework in his bed room so that he wouldn't have to do it while he was at camp. He had started to stay there on the weekends as well as summer, because as his powers grew, so did his scent to monsters. He missed not seeing his mom as much though. She worked late on school days, so he didn't get to see her often, even when he was home.

     Stuck on a math question, he decided to Iris message Annabeth for help. He rummaged around his backpack for a drachma, finally finding one when he checked his desk drawer. You'd think that Percy would keep more of them on hand, considering that he used drachmas for his main form of communication, but he could never seem to find them when he needed them. He pulled the small battery powered fountain that he kept in his room onto the desk, placing it in the light that was shining through the window in front of him, and manipulated the water into a fine mist, creating a rainbow.

     "O Iris, Goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering." He said, tossing the heavy gold coin through the water. An image of Annabeth shimmered into existence. It looked like she was sitting on her bunk at Camp. Her father had made it clear to Annabeth that she was always welcome to his home in San Francisco, but because her and Percy had wanted to be able to see each other as much as possible she was living at Camp pretty much full time again.

     "Hey Seaweed Brain, what's up?" She smiled at him through the Iris message.

     "I was just having trouble with the math question, and you're the smartest person I know, could you help me out Wise Girl?"

     Her eyes lit up, and Percy grinned. Annabeth loved to explain things to people, being able to help others understand things brought her great satisfaction, and Percy knew this. That was part of the reason that he had called her instead of just texting someone from school that had been in the lesson with him (Leo had figured out how to dampen the signal emitted by phones, but the problem wasn't entirely fixed, which is why Iris messaging was still better than Face Time), the other reason of course being that he loved to talk to his Girlfriend. After she helped him work through the question (It really wasn't that hard once she explained it), they talked about their days.

     "How was class? Interesting as always?" He smirked at her. Annabeth often got bored in class, not because she already knew everything, but because she also had ADHD, and in her less intriguing classes paying attention to the lesson was hard for even her.

     "Actually, today wasn't that bad! I sat with some new people at Lunch, which was sort of nice, but I wish that you were here with me."

     "Soon Wise Girl, we can go to college in New Rome together as soon as this year is over."

     She gave him a teasing smile, "If you graduate."

     He laughed. "Who are you kidding, with you helping me there's no way I could fail."

     They talked late into the night, taking turns spending the drachmas to keep the message going, and when Annabeth fell asleep during the Iris message Percy finally cut the connection with a whispered "Love you". He fell into bed, and was asleep in minutes with a smile on his face.

     I tried to add some Percabeth this chapter, because I love their relationship, but i'm not great at writing romance, but I'm trying to work on it so if you have any pointers comment them! Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate anyone reading this at the moment, lol.

(Word count: 1237 words)

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