Thanks so much!

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Hey guys! I've been monitoring my story a little lately, and somehow failed to notice that I hit a thousand reads! It's crazy to me that even one person other than me has read this story, and I'm so incredibly grateful that I have the privilege of publishing my work on a non-judgmental and positive platform! Thank you all for reading, even when my updates are few and far between, and my writing is mediocre!

I'm swamped in homework at the moment, and when I'm not doing homework I want to do noting more than read on Wattpad, surf Instagram, or be with my family, so I can't promise an update as soon as I'd like. However, I can say that I've had more motivation than usual lately, so we'll see what happens!

Once again, thanks so much for reading, I cannot believe that I have chapters that over a hundred people have read, so continue to read, and don't be shy to give me constructive criticism, I have a lot of work to do before I consider myself good at writing, never mind great!

Thanks again, and I hope everyone is doing well, all things considered!

Until next time! 💕

(Also, I'm typing this message out on my phone, which I haven't done before, so I might have made some mistakes, don't mind them!)

Half-Bloods and the Government (What could go wrong?) Pjo/AvengersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ