Quick update!

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       Hi everyone! 

       So, I mentioned at the end of my last chapter that I was thinking up a prophecy and it might take a while. Well, long story short, I realized that you can't just wing it when there's a prophecy involved, and that lead to me attempting to write an outline for this story! I'm in a little deeper than intended, with my outline being eight pages long and not even halfway through the story, and I'm realizing that this means I'll either have a billion little chapters or have to start writing longer ones! Hopefully, you guys can expect longer updates from now on, and better writing now that I actually have a plan for this story, lol. I'm only stuck on one aspect though, as far as the outline goes: I have my main villains, but they're all greek, and thus there are no threats to truly get the Avengers locked in and engaged. I'd love Y'all forever if you dropped any Ideas you had for minor villains from the Avengers side that I could include!  

    That's all for now, I just wanted to talk since my school just started and updates may be few and far between and I didn't want to just disappear!

Until next time!

Half-Bloods and the Government (What could go wrong?) Pjo/AvengersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant