Chapter Eleven

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It's been a month since the last chapter, sorry about that! Outlining is hard. I know I just gave y'all a little update, but I've been working on this chapter for a while, so I finished it in a burst of inspiration tonight and thought I'd publish it!

I hope you enjoy!
(Edit- just realized I had it as Chapter 12, oops! Fixed it, but I still don't really know how notifications work on this app, so if ur seeing this cause U got notified, sorry!)



Rachel's eyes rolled back in her head, green smoke billowed around her, and Percy felt like he could cry.


Clarisse rushed forward and eased Rachel onto the chair behind her, where she sat, ram-rod straight. The thick jade clouds gathered in curly red hair, and wreathed around her in ropes of smoke.

Heroes of mortal and demigod alike

Join forces else chaos rein

On the list of foes, another strike

If not defeated, with blood the ground shall stain

Fall not to folly, nor succumb to war,

Heed the words of your allies

However much instinct may bore

Trust not all you feel, your mind, ears, eyes.

Travel to places familiar and not,

Ancient cities, hidden isles

One different then you ever thought

Where once you were welcomed by false smiles,

As one power dies, another grows stronger

Words spoken, meant fully but not believed

Magic of old, eternal no longer

Take caution to remain undeceived

Look back, far past yesteryear, where lies your final foe

It's domain spreads far and wide,

Encountered by those among you once,  in the great below,

There is nowhere to hide

To defeat this great enemy, sacrifices must be made

On either side of a great divide, only one can be saved

All forces must join together, lest the gods begin to fade.

As the final word rasped from her mouth, Rachel slumped forward, nearly bashing her face off the ping pong table before being caught by Katie.

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