Chapter Two

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Disclaimer- I do not own these characters! They are the property of Rick Riordan and Marvel!



     Percy watched as he slipped on a just as baggy mask, and then placed his hand on his chest. The onesie miraculously turned into a tight-fitting costume, that looked like..... Wait. was that Spider-Man?

     He ran everything he knew about the wall-crawler through his mind. The Avengers hadn't been around to help for the Titan War, (Being mortals, they probably fell under Morpheuse's spell), so the Demigods and mortal heroes had never interacted. Still, they had seen the Avengers and other mortal heroes on T.V... Spiderman was fast, witty, and seemed to care more about the people he was protecting, rather than the main Avengers, who seemed more intent on taking down the villain than the damage to people's houses.

     Overall though, Percy didn't know much. He did know that he had just heard a Hellhound, and that Spiderman was now swinging towards it. He wasn't sure if the hero's weapons would kill to Hellhound, but it also sounded like there was a mortal or two back there being attacked, and if Spiderman couldn't take care of the Hellhound fast enough the civilians - and the web-slinger himself- could be in danger.

     And so, Percy made the split-second decision to follow the masked vigilante. He was sure he'd regret it later, but that was a problem for future Percy.

     He listened again for the Hellhound and pinpointed the direction to run towards. Uncapping riptide, he jogged towards the back end of the large Marshalls, following another high pitched shriek into a dusty area surrounded on all sides by buildings. Just as Percy stepped foot in the square, lo and behold, Spiderman swung onto the scene. Percy watched him from the shadow of one of the buildings, unnoticed. (As he was trying to be)

     He observed intently as the Hero scanned the area, obviously assessing the situation. There was an older woman, a young man, and a little girl, all being backed into a corner by the largest hellhound Percy had ever seen. It was huge, the size of a rhino, with teeth as big as Percy's hand! He had no idea what the mortals were seeing, but it sure was scaring them just as much as if they saw the real thing.

     It took another menacing step forward, and the little girl let out a muffled scream. The hellhound growled, its lips curling back from its yellow fangs, and drool dripped from its mouth. Now Percy was genuinely concerned. This monster was big enough that it would give even Percy a hard time, and Spiderman didn't have Celestial Bronze.

     While Percy was thinking all this, Spiderman made his first move. Launching himself forward, he shot webs at the hellhounds snout and feet, effectively shutting its mouth and keeping it from moving forward.

     Or at least, it was supposed to work like that. In reality, it just made the Hellhound more angry. The monster simply forced its mouth open, and the webs -that should have been able to hold strong- fell off. It then used its teeth to rip the sticky material away and charged at the vigilante. He used the Hellhounds distraction to signal the civilians to run away, then scrambled up the wall. It looked like Spiderman was trying to get a higher vantage point, so that he could get a secure upper hand on whatever beast that the mortal hero was seeing.

     Percy figured that because Spiderman's webs weren't working on the hellhound, there was a good chance none of his other weapons would work as well either. As he watched, Spidey shot more webs at the hellhound, but this time, the air crackled as volts of electricity traveled down the white cords. The Hellhound howled in pain, then shook it off, and charged at the wall Spiderman was crouched on.

     Yep, mortal weapons were definitely not working. Which meant Percy would definitely have to get involved.


     On the bright side, all of the civilians had successfully fled, so now it was just the hellhound, Spiderman, and Percy, still unnoticed in the corner. He was sure the hellhound could smell him, but it was too preoccupied with Spidey to care just yet. Percy still held on to the very small bit of hope that Spiderman would be able to fend off the beast on his own. Spiderman, who had been leaping from wall to wall, was still obviously unsure of how to handle the situation. He also appeared to be talking to himself.

     Percy caught a bit of the conversation-

     "- a giant dog monster! If you're not too busy, I need just the smallest bit of help-"

     The rest was cut off by a startled yelp, as the hellhound got a lucky bite in, effectively snatching Spiderman out of the air, and flinging him to the ground.

     Percy saw the hero's eyes widen as the beast stalked towards him. At this point, the hellhound was just playing with him. Spiderman was struggling to his feet, trying to get away, but he seemed woozy, and he wasn't putting any weight on his right leg.

     The monster's muscles tensed, and it prepared to pounce.

     Percy uncapped Riptide, and stepped out of the shadows.

     "Hey ugly!" he shouted, getting the hellhounds attention, " whatcha doing? Spiders are gross, you don't want to eat one, do you?"

     He spared a second to glance over at spiderman, who, eyes wide, was now inching away from the hellhound. The monster was done playing around though, and this time straight up bolted towards Percy, who dropped to a roll at the last minute, flinging himself out of the way. In the process, he hit his head on a rock, and that must have been just enough to knock some sense into him, because he got an idea.

     When the hellhound turned to charge again, he ran towards it, leaving just a second to spare before he, blade up, dropped and slid under its stomach, slicing it to golden dust, and covering himself in the sparkly monster remains as well.

     His head was aching, but defeating the monster hadn't been nearly as hard as he feared it would be.

     Now that the hellhound was dealt with, he could worry about other things.

     Such as the stunned superhero staring at him standing knee-deep in golden sand.

(Word count: 1018)

Half-Bloods and the Government (What could go wrong?) Pjo/AvengersKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat