Happy On My Own

118 14 3

(Still short,,,, like me)

Joe's P.OV

Alright, it'd already been 2 weeks since Ben flew to Italy but, I was okay for once.

I was actually pretty happy on my own.

The house was much quieter, but sometimes some silence is nice. It really clears the mind y'know?

Yes, of course I still missed Ben dearly but for some reason it wasn't as bad this time.

Maybe it was the look in his eye when he told me that he would be back soon. That look was so reassuring and it made me feel....safe.

This time I really believed him about being back soon and I was excited for his arrival, I wasn't spending time moping about and missing him.

I was getting work done, I was focusing and I even dusted the whole house.

I was proud of myself, usually when he leaves I'm sad and upset and a complete, utter hot mess but this time I was being productive and not letting it get me down!

I was still a little disappointed about the fact that Ben wasn't at home and it did upset me a little bit but I was glad I wasn't letting it weigh me down this time.

I had a really good feeling about this.

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