Since The Day I Met You

152 18 41

Joe's P.O.V

Eventually the program finished and I was left worried and disappointed. I didn't even pay attention to who won or who got 3rd place or anything.

Where could Ben possibly be? I knew he'd never just skip out on something this important and meaningful to him.

That night I went to bed with a pit of worry in my stomach. I had no idea what he was doing or where he could've been.


When I woke up in the morning I was exhausted still. I barely slept and when I did manage to sleep it was restless.

I groggily walked out to the living room and looked out the window at the city.

I admired the large buildings that caught my eye.

I looked down at the cars driving down the road and the people roaming around on the pavement.

Ben liked to look out the window and admire the beauty that we call New York.

He loves it here and I don't blame him.

I sighed softly and walked over to my kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Once I finished I sat down in my armchair and turned my phone on.

Not a single text from Ben. Not a single missed call from Ben.

I sighed again and decided to scroll through my social media for awhile.

There were pictures of Lucy, Rami and Elizabeth that made me smile.

And some pictures of Allen and Gwil being adorable together.

There weren't any new posts from Ben which was surprising because he'd posted nearly every day since he landed in Italy.

I wasn't sure if this was worrying or suspicious.

I'd say it was a mix of both.


Throughout the day I tried contacting my friends. None of them answered.

Not a single person.

I tried Gwil first. No answer.

Then Rami. No answer.

Allen? He's gotta pick up, he's always on his phone right?. Nope no answer whatsoever.

Lucy? She's gotta pick up surely. No she didn't.

Adam? Nope. Nada. Nuh uh.

Of course.

Eventually I was fed up with being so bored so I just went to bed.

It was early but I needed some sleep after the previous night.

I'd eventually fallen asleep after some more mindless scrolling and missed calls and texts.


That night I was awoken by a loud knock at the door.

I rolled over and squinted at my clock.

3:46 AM

Jesus, who could be here at this hour???

I still rolled out of bed and went to open the door.

"What do you want." I said, sounding quite frustrated.


I heard a very familiar voice say my name.

I rubbed my eyes and my jaw dropped.

"Be-ben?" I choked out.

He smiled brightly at me and pulled something out from behind his back.

A bouquet of flowers.

"Sorry they're a little squished. I was in a rush to get here."

"I could tell." I said with a smirk, pointing at his messy hair and the few drops of sweat on his forehead. He clearly ran here. I don't know how far he ran but it was obvious.

"Hey, um, why weren't you at the competition yesterday?"

"Because I needed to get here. This was alot more important to me."

"Uh, okay? What's soooo important that you had to fly all the way back here for?"

I head him let out a shaky, nervous sigh.

"Joe I love you so goddamn much, you are the love and light of my life."

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I wasn't sure why I was crying but I was.

"You've been with me through so much. Tears, heartbreak, smiles, laughs, all of it."

I smiled, looked down at the floor and looked back up at him.

"I've been waiting to ask you this since the day I met you"

I saw him reach in his pocket and pull out a small red velvet box.

He got down onto his knee and opened it in front of me.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

This isn't happening.

This can't be real.

"Joseph Francis Mazzello III. Will you marry me?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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